Chapter 2: The First Night

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Meeting Bruce and Vinny in the elevator, Natasha was the most paranoid of the group. "Calm down, okay? I know this is a whole new situation for you, but we might cause some suspicion." He told her, Natasha nodding in agreement after a moment's thought.

"How are we getting the cot in?" She asked, almost certain they'd get busted. Not once had she heard of a baby being on SHIELD premises, or even an agent leaving to have a child. Except for Clint's wife and even he wasn't given extra time off.

"That's a good question." Bruce nodded, looking down to Vinny who was sleeping. "We say the box is a desk from Ikea. That I'm helping you set up after your old one broke." He shrugged slightly,  watching her face register with shock.

"You have this all planned out, how are you so calm?" Natasha asked, glancing down to the infant and then back to Banner.

"Because I'm not worried about it. Everything has a simple solution." Bruce told her, offering a small smile. "It's just remaining calm and focused to find that solution." He added. Natasha gave a slight nod, stepping out of the elevator once they had reached the car park, she walked him to her car.

"You can hold him, I'll drive," Natasha told him, but before Bruce could protest, she had already gotten into her car and started up the engine. "Hurry up." She said impatiently. It was already 8-or-so-pm.

Bruce nodded, buckling up. He also added a carrier/car seat to the list of things to get. "The closest baby store is about four blocks away. It's called.. uh, 'Mommy 'n' Me'." He told her, Natasha giving a slight nod, beginning to drive them there.

Arriving, Natasha climbed out of the car and waited for Bruce to do the same, locking it afterwards and walking towards, and into the large store. "It's like Target, but for babies," Natasha murmured, to which Bruce gave a slight laugh, a hint of agreement added to it.

"See anything you like?" Bruce asked, Natasha, coming up with a witty response that seemed way too flirty, so she let it slide.

"Uh, there's a white cot over there. It looks good enough." She nodded, walking towards it. Bruce followed, checking the sizing.

"How about something more of a crib type?" Banner asked, gesturing to a white one of the same design. "It just might last longer." He added to try and win her over.

Natasha nodded, looking to a crib where the boxes were displayed. "You're the expert." She muttered, walking off and gathering things such as bottles, blankets, packs of diapers, wipes, clothes, baby baths, soft towels, clothes, etc. Meanwhile, Bruce was having a box taken to her car as Natasha paid for the smaller items, taking the bags back.

"You got a lot, I'm impressed." Bruce offered another smile, knowing he may be already getting on her last nerve, as he helped get the box into the boot, Natasha throwing the bags in also. Without an answer, she climbed back into her seat, seeing the sleeping bundle on Bruce's seat, looking to the road once she spotted Bruce's shadow move towards the door. "Let's get him home, huh?" He asked.

The redhead gave a slight shrug before starting up the car and heading back, Bruce watching her quietly. "Have... Have I said something?" He asked nervously. He couldn't quite get used to talking to her, this had been the longest amount of time spent with her in a single day.

Natasha parked in her usual spot, turning off the car. "No, I just... I don't feel like a mom." She shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows slightly. "I'm being told what to feel, but it's just not working."

Bruce nodded. "Just give it time. You found out he's yours, what, 2 hours ago? Maybe less? A lot of moms don't click at first. It's just bonding time." He said softly, which he would work into them hopefully right under her nose. "Okay, so will you grab him while I'll carry the box? I'll try with the bags also."

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