Chapter 7: A Date

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"Are you absolutely sure he can stay with you?" Natasha asked, gazing down at her infant son whilst he slept in Laura's arms. Her friend had jumped at the idea of babysitting, especially a baby as small as Vinny. Nathaniel was now 6 months old and wearing clothes for infants twice his age. Holding a baby as young and small as Vincent was enough to make her broody all over again. 

"I am absolutely sure. You need to go enjoy yourself, Nat." Laura smiled up at her friend. "I know you feel guilty. Trust me. When I had Lila, I didn't want anyone taking care of her, I felt that as her mom I had to be with her 24/7 and it's just not the case." She shook her head slowly. "You'll be thankful when he's older to have one night to yourself." She chuckled. "Take the chance. You both deserve this." Laura encouraged. "He's in good hands, I promise."

"I know, I know he is. I just feel bad for leaving him." Natasha spoke, a conflicted expression on her face. Laura seemed less than pleased, however. Though she understood her friend's reluctance, she also knew how much she might regret it if she didn't go. Not just that, but this was finally her chance to make something happen with Bruce, even if it were just an established relationship. It was perhaps the very best outcome that could come out of the evening. 

"Nat, he's not gonna be left on his own." She spoke, her expression was sympathetic. She had briefly been told of his discovery, and whilst there were many questions left unanswered, she also knew that Natasha wouldn't want him to be alone for very long. However, with a baby as adorable and loving as Vinny, it was incredibly hard to put him down. "The only time he'll be in his little crib is when he's sleeping." She promised. Natasha deflated somewhat, allowing herself to feel the relief wash over her. 

"Alright, okay." Natasha relented. "Thank you, Laura." She offered a soft smile. Her fingers fiddled somewhat with the sleeve of her jacket whilst her emerald eyes continued to study her baby, seemingly trying to steal the last few minutes with him until she had to leave to get ready.

"Would you like some help choosing an outfit?" Laura offered with a smile. "I'm sure Vinny wouldn't mind coming along." She added. "He's pretty out cold." She gave a little laugh, carefully getting herself to her feet as soon as Natasha gave a nod.

"I have no idea what to wear." The redhead shook her head with a soft smile, though her expression was a little concerned. She wanted to make a clear effort, but she didn't want to overdo it, neither did she accidentally want to underdress for the occasion. Bruce simply needed to understand she was interested, despite the fact she had proposed the date.

"That's alright, we'll figure something out. Do you know where he's taking you?" Laura asked whilst they walked to Natasha's bedroom, Vinny still snuggled in Laura's arms with his crazily soft green blanket. Using the biometric hand scanner to unlock her door, Natasha held up her left hand for a blue light to project against her skin in a scanning motion before her door would unlock. Natasha pushed the door open and held it for Laura to come through with Vinny. 

"He said someplace fancy, I assume that means I've godda dress well," Natasha spoke, letting the door close itself once Laura and Vinny were safely through. "I have a few dresses that might look nice, let me grab them," Natasha added, gesturing for Laura to sit whilst she headed to the bedroom in order to collect some of the dresses she had. 

Meanwhile, but a single floor away, Bruce was mooching about his own room, his clothing for the evening hung neatly on the door to his wardrobe. He found himself at a loss. The past few days had been spent with Natasha and little Vinny, with the occasional visit to the lab. It had been a pleasant change. Usually, he would spend his days exclusively in the lab, always working on something. Always a new hypothesis to test. He found to enjoy this newfound purpose. Not only did he take great enjoyment in helping to care for Vinny, but if this evening progressed well, he would also potentially have a partner in Natasha.

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