The Piximon Cometh

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I ran as fast as I could to Agumon, "Agumon!" I yelled. Agumon turned around and smiled brightly at my outstretched hand.

He held out his clawed hand and I grabbed tightly. In an instant, I was enveloped in a bright light and a minute later, I had transformed into my Agumon form.

"Hurry, Agumon! Digivolve! You have to become Greymon!" Gabumon shouted.

I looked over towards Tai who was standing shakily in the sand, but his expression showed much hesitation.

I looked down at Agumon and I could tell that he was nervous about digivolving too.

This was quite the predicament. Both human and digimon partner are scared to digivolve. I could tell that they were thunking about SkullGreymon, but they need to get over this.

"Hold on, Agumon, Raya! Stay away from his crompers!" Tai shouted.

Kuwagamon opened its mouth and was aboit to take a bite out of us.

"Guys, move! Get out of the way! Do something! Get back!" Gomamon yelled in fear, but Agumon was frozen.

All of a sudden, Tai rushed to Agumon and tackled hin out of harm's way. I crouched down and avoided the attack.

"Thanks a lot." Agumon said. Kuwagamon tried to attack again, but I stood up, feeling a strange warmth over take me.

I took in the deepest breath I could take and shouted, "Baby Burner!"

From my mouth came the largest fire blast I had created in this form. The fire engulfed Kuwagamon, causing him to scream in pain and slow him down, but not stop him.

"Pixie Bomb seek and destroy!" We heard someone shouted. I looked up and saw a small black ball hurtling towards Kuwagamon and hitting him in the head.

In an instant, Kuwagamon was reduced to digital dust. We all sighed in relief, but Agumon and Tai were buried in the sand.

"Tai, Agumon, Raya! Are you all okay?" Sora asked.

"I think we're okay." I ssaid transforming back as Luna jumled into my arms.

"What the heck just happened to us?" Tai asked.

From the corner of my eye, I saw something small and pink moving on the sandy ground.

I looked down and saw a small pink digimon with white wings, bright eyes and holding a staff in its hand.

He hummed a happy and carefree toon as he waltz right past Tai and Agumon.

"Oh, wow, a tiny powder puff with wings!" Mimi gasped.

"Just don't use it on your face." Sora said crouching down on the ground to get a better look.

"And where's Kuwagamon?"

"Oh, man. Maybe that's him." Tk suggested. The little digimon faltered in his footing and spun around to face us.

"I am no enemy. Nope. Nope." He said, "If anything you are your own enemies."

Biyomon quickly rushed to her feet in excitement.

"Oh, oh, I've heard of you. You're the famous Piximon, right?" She asked.

"You are?" Mimi asked, gently scooping Piximon into her arms.

"Piximon is famous in the digital world for his skills and training nut few have ever met him. His secret home is the traning ground for all great digimon fighters."

I stared at the little digimon, getting the odd sense of familiarity from him. But then again, I've been getting a lot of that feeling since we came to this world.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant