|"You are not the only company we have received." |

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By the time each student had faced their match in death, the sun had begun it's beginnings of setting painting the sky in blue, pink, yellow and orange ombré. Surprisingly, nobody faced any fatalities but some did harbor injuries from their scuffles- like Norm who was nursing his forearm like it was a beaten puppy. "I think it's broken- snapped right in half or barely hanging on my a scrap of muscle." Overdramatic as always. Olivia rolled her eyes, slapped a hardy hand on his shoulder and shoved him in the direction of his newly tamed ikran. A beast of burnt orange, deep blue and forest green. "Get going, the sun will be setting and you need to maintain the fresh bond with your ikran."

"You aren't coming with us?"

"We have pa'li to lead back remember? Besides you'll need to get the hang of being suspended billions of feet from the ground."

"Oh that's reassuring."

"Oh hush and get on the damn banshee before I toss you over the side of this damn mountain." Norm wasted no time in mounting his ikran but halted to take off to deliver a brief farewell. "Be safe out here." Olivia waved him off despite the smile on her face. "I will see you at last meal." And with that the former anthropologist took to the sky just like the others leaving Olivia, Tsu'tey, Peyral, Fa'Meuia and the other male alone to trek back to the awaiting steeds.


It was odd. The journey through the cave seemed shorter when returning, less dark and more spacious. So much more spacious that she was actually able to walk side by side with the stubborn warrior rather than in a single file line like a bunch of ducklings following their mama. "Why does this cave seem different?"

"It is not the same one we took before."

"What do you mean it's not the same? There was only one cave entrance which means only one cave system." The plan was to sound smart but Olivia managed to produce the exact opposite. "The other entrance is hidden. Students must face the unknown to succeed. That is why we took the first cave." Tsu'tey reached forward and pulled aside a curtain of vines that was indeed hiding the hidden side cave. "That was a cheap move."

"Must you complain about everything?"

Olivia frowned. She didn't always complain just gave her opinion on why things seemed- well, unjustified. "Must you always feel the need to choose the crazy ways over the simple ones?"

"This is our way. The people's way." Tsu'tey shouldered past her with the others following closely behind. Olivia mouthed his retort under her breath, a mocking jitter to her shoulders as she pursued the group. "I heard that."

Damn him and his magnified hearing.


The cave was the easy part, like a walk in the park on an autumn crisp and fresh- pleasant. But the death jump to get to the cave was a homemade rollercoaster built on rotting wood over an alligator infested swamp with the cart being a laundry hamper gorilla glued on four extra small wheels. A bit over exaggerated but nonetheless the point was made in hindsight at how getting up to the cave was far more easier than getting away from it.

But the foursome managed. As for the floating sentiment bridge- nothing like climbing down cyclop sized stairs. And Olivia swore once she hit the unmoving ground where the journey began she would kiss the earth and ask her hand in marriage. Eywa was probably getting a kick out of that. But something was wrong.

Tsu'tey froze, hand positioned upwards to signal the three others to halt. Something was here. Olivia placed her hand upon her bow, ears flickering at the slightest of sounds. Peyral was already armed, arrow laying poised against the wood of her own weapon. Then they heard it- the faintest sound of talking. Off in the distance, several voices muddled together as if speaking at once or possibly arguing. "We must go, the Kekunan have roused." The warrior gestured towards the pa'li who waited patiently where they were left. "Kekunan?" Olivia stepped up beside Tsu'tey who was untying the ropes from Sequoia and Norms rides before smack them on their hindquarters which sent both direhorses racing off. "Wait! What are you-"

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