|"We have word from the Omaticaya." |

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Ahtsan narrowed his eyes at the warrior as he pushed passed the beads of the healers alcove. Truth be told it was disappointing hearing word spread of Olivia's near death at the hand of the greatest warrior of the Omaticaya- but Ahtsan felt no remorse for someone he deemed a 'friend' with his wounded nose.


"Warrior- I have come to see Olivia and deliver an update on Faho." Tsu'tey had never been spoken so tersely before especially by one of his fellow companions. Even after the death of his mate (was to be mated) he still spoke quite a bit to the warrior rather than anyone else- because in the end they swam the same river. Both in a point in time lost the loves of their lives, and now here they stood; alone. Olivia, who had took to entertaining her time with weaving baskets paused in her ministrations to look up curiously at the usually silent man. "What do you need, Ahtsan?"

The male turned his attention to the woman, though his eyes stayed narrowed towards the other man. "I wish to see you recover fully- it is shameful to see this had happened to you..." Whether it was a silent knowing or a very obvious one- Tsu'tey could tell the latter was trying to provoke him and for what reasons he had no idea. "I am fine. If anything, Tsu'tey had gotten the worse of it." Olivia glanced at the warrior who merely shifted his gaze towards the covered window (more of a hole in the wall which was covered by a wooden curtain similar to a bamboo mat used on earth). "Yes, I guess so... Faho has become more confident with his position and has managed to shoot an arrow closer to the second ring. Still, he needs time and practice but he is learning." Olivia couldn't help but crack a small smile- Faho had only been her student for a couple days but she felt just a smidge of an attachment and wanted nothing more than to see his future paved towards success. "That is good news. In a few days we will be back to take him off your hands." Ahtsan curtly nodded, his eyes flickering to her hair to see that it was in a state... of unkept. "I see you didn't get your hair finished. If you will let me, I will ask the elders to do it again." Olivia reached towards her hair to feel one side was unbraided, tangled and frizzy. "I will see if Velia will do it for me when she returns with Norm. But thank you for your offer."

Despite their casual conversation, Tsu'tey had jerked his head towards the duo with a furrow upon his brow. Ahtsan bowed his head, his gaze had earlier moved from the silent warrior to the woman which remained there before he left.

Now was the moment for answers.

"The last day- you were getting your hair attended to by the elder women.. He knew?" Olivia tilted her head in confusion, not quite getting the sudden interest in the happenings before their brawl. "Yeah, he came up with the idea. Stopped me after morning meal and practically dragged me to the bunch. Why do you ask?"

"He came to me during Faho's training asking about your absence."

"Before he left I told him to tell you that I would be running a bit late to teaching."

"He told me nothing of your doings instead acting just as clueless as me."

Both grew quiet, and the question lingered.

Why did he lie?


She was late to the party, that much she knew. But after the destruction of her helicopter, the woman found that the war was over and she was stranded. Now that didn't seem quite bad- but it was. It was bad enough being on an alien planet with everything that walked wanting to kill or devour you- possibly both. And to add on to the all around hell hole, her skin was burnt, her clothes were burnt, her hair was partially in tact and her oxygen mask was a fucking heap of melted goop.

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