|"Grab her- the Olo'eyktan will know what to do." |

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Several weeks had passed since the minor feud between Olivia and Tsu'tey. And even though the warrior agreed to be civil (not friends just yet) out of his own internal fear of being just like the tawtute whom killed many of his people, he was far from willing to be companions with the woman. He wasn't a murderer- unjust of killing whoever got in his way, no, he only killed to protect. And Olivia posed no threat- for now. He was still wary, always making sure to stay one step ahead or keep one eye peeled on the very dream walker who was currently drumming her fingers against the bark of a fallen tree. Faho, in the weeks of passing had improved greatly out of the cooperation of his teachers. After agreeing to help but not hinder their student, both made sure to direct the younger properly using only critiques (none of which were harsh) and positive reinforcements. Tsu'tey couldn't deny that he was proud- but his method still produced quicker and better results.

Currently, the trio were in a secluded section of the forest, where hexapede (or yerik in na'vi) dwelled in great numbers. It was Faho's first hunt- the first true step towards Iknimaya. "You will only shoot the sick or elderly- the young are to be spared." Tsu'tey pushed the freshly carved bow into Faho's hands. Confusion riddled the latter as he ran his fingers along the smooth wood. "But I have a bow. The one Ahtsan-"

"This is now your only bow. The one you will use far into your future, to provide and protect for the clan." Olivia watched on as Faho gave a curt nod before reaching to his back and removing the bow that Ahtsan had helped him make. The treacherous (in the warrior's words) bow was passed to the woman who placed it on her back with her own. "You are ready. Take place and begin the hunt." Faho turned and disappeared into the greenery leaving the duo to watch from behind the fallen tree. "Did you stay up late to make that bow?"

"It does not matter how long it took to make the bow but if you must know- it took the morning and half of another to finish. My student will only carry what is of his teacher... not of someone untrusting." Ever since that encounter in the healers alcove and the awareness that Ahtsan had played a part in the leading up to (the fight), it was difficult seeing the male as anything but conniving. Faho emerged from between the leaves of a nearby tree, the tip of his arrow peaking out from the greenery. Olivia had her front half laying flat against the tree while Tsu'tey was crouched just beside her, his hand positioned over the handle of his hunting knife while the other laid flat against the moss coated bark. Several painstakingly quiet minutes passed, unmoving and tense. Olivia watched on in anticipation, her gaze shifting from the grazers to Faho. Tsu'tey on the other hand found his eyes moving away from his student to stare at the side of Olivia's face. He didn't find her the least bit attractive with her high cheekbones, long eyelashes and confident gait. Her ebony hair fell at her shoulders with white seashells and yellow beads lining the ends of her plaited hair. Kahiau once told her at in their home clan that she resembled a na'vi version of Cleopatra, she called him an idiot. The way the dip in her spine moved smoothly beneath her skin drew a quick exhale past his lips, luckily for him it went unnoticed. She was a bit fuller than the females of the Omaticaya, her breasts heavier underneath the beaded strands of her top and the curve of her hips just a tad bit deeper. Her ears twitched at the sides of her head, his lingering gaze moving to watch them. She had earrings much like Neytiri's but with another joining just above the primary, what looked like pearls sat above the large holes on the lobes. Still, he found her the least bit attractive... for now.


Velia couldn't help but laugh as she watched Norm topple off of Kuma for the millionth time that day. This moon cycle was close to an end with only a few weeks left and her student could not seem to tackle the art of pa'li riding. "You are not feeling her. The heart, the strength- feel her movements, her breath. You must become one with her and then you guide her." Norm swiped his hand across his forehead, collecting mud (or was it direhorse crap) before flinging it off his hand. "I am trying but we don't seem to be on the same mindset. I can feel her... dislike?" The former anthropologist received a snort and sudden shimmy from the pa'li which had him grasping her neck just to stay on.

"It is not that she doesn't like you- Kuma is not used to others riding her except me." Velia brushed her hand along the tough hide of the direhorses neck, earning a rumble of approval from the creature. "Well I don't think she'll ever get used to- MEE!!" Suddenly as if spooked, the pa'li hurried forward causing Norm to grasp a hold of the coarse hairs that stuck out from the neck of the direhorse. Velia watched as Kuma took off in a stubborn frenzy knowing full well her intent of trying to fling the poor man off.

But she didn't. In the clarity of the situation- she didn't. Norm held onto her tightly like a bull rider that was determined to win. He couldn't fail again. "STOP!" Kuma halted, her breathing vibrated beneath her thick skin which Norm was held against. Velia could only smile proudly, a string of whoops escaping her mouth as she ran over to join them. "You did it!" Norm shakily pushed himself into a sitting position, his arms felt like jelly from having them clenched so tightly. "I- yeah- I did it."

"Now do it again."


Ninat caught him staring from across the room during last meal. She, perched on a higher ledge with several others were singing a song of the sky and it's clear days. It was subtle, a glance here maybe a flicker of the eyes there. But now he couldn't find in interest in his food as he wistfully watched her carry the tune for the clouds and of the healing sun.

She knew who he was. One of the dream walkers from their sister clan who stayed behind to help the Omaticaya find peace once more. He was nice on the eyes but the singer required more than looks.

Not that she was looking.


Trudy had been traveling for almost a month now. With her previous body, she didn't cover much ground and took longer to reach anywhere but now that she had her avatar body- she moved faster. Cargo pants, a simple brown tank top and avatar made boots was all she wore- along with the gun in her hand. The weapon was for her safety if she encountered something that was far less happy to see her- which she knew lurked within the forest. Her hair remained in one simple braid, leaving a few pesky strands to flop down against her face.

Suddenly, she stopped. The forest had grown quiet. Not a single chirp, chitter or flutter could be heard and Trudy fully realized that she was not alone. A flash of blue escaped past the corner of her eye causing her to raise the gun up, the adrenaline of war awaking once more. This was different, she was not in the safety of her bird but rather on the opposite in the death trap of Pandora. Trudy swiveled around, leaves rustled and broke around her taunting her into shooting but in what direction! That didn't matter because a faint whoosh and the sudden ensnaring of her ankles had her toppling to the ground in a heap, the gun flying from her hands and landing several feet away.

Then she heard the voices.

"It is another dream walker."

"Grab her- the Olo'eyktan will know what to do."


Dun dun dun! Trudy has been captured but by who? Where are they taking her?

So along side the Valerian story I will be doing a LOTR/TH series called The Women of Middle Earth. I will go by alphabetical order (some will not be included like Aragorn because he has Arwen or Faramir with Eowyn, Gloin with his unnamed wife, Sam with Rosie and so on) Some of these stories will be mature while others are just pure fluff because lets be honest- some of them need a little bit of hugs and kisses. Some will take place before, during and after major events. So please look forward to this!

Vote and comment to your hearts content ❤

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