|"Looks like a hurricane blown through." |

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"I knew I'd find you eventually." Olivia was startled from her readings, a book about Pandora's botany written by an unknown scientist from the research department. The book was lacking a proper cover, pages were missing or torn, and water damage seemed to ruin the ink on several scripts. Jake in his almighty wheelchair sidled up at the head of the table. The mess hall (which was the current setting) was beyond ransacked. Tables laid upside down, food from previous eatings scattered along the cracked tiling, previous works left forgotten (which is where Olivia's book came from), it was a disaster. "Damn should have hid somewhere else then." Jake rolled his eyes while peering around the room. "Looks like a hurricane blown through."

"More like a bunch of revenge hungry na'vi." Olivia couldn't help but crack a smile while Jake chuckled. "That sounds even worse." Jake and Olivia were no means close, not even considered friends (well Jake considered her a friend since she didn't side with Quaritch) but that didn't stop the ex-marine from pushing the personal boundaries of her private life- more specifically her love life. "So I heard you are going to be mated to a warrior from the eastern sea clan- uh- what was his name?" Olivia turned a page in the book that crinkled under the tips of her fingers. "Zuril, and yes- when I return we will become a mated pair." Jake studied her face and the way it held no hint of emotions. "I don't want to pry or anything but are you sure you want to do that? To be his mate? To basically give yourself, your belongings, your freedom- shit, everything to this guy?"

Those questions were the very ones she asked herself after she made the decision to accept his request. "Yes that is what happens when you find your mate- your one and only. You should know that." Olivia narrowed her gaze towards Jake who huffed at being put on the spot. "You're right- I love Neytiri with my whole fucking existence but we aren't discussing about me. When he came to tell us-" Olivia jerked her head towards Jake with widened green eyes. "Tell you? You know? I expected him to tell Awänì but not the whole goddamn area!" Jake winced slightly as the woman slammed her hands atop the table. "Well he didn't exactly tell us- more like we just happened to be there when he went to inform the eastern sea matriarch."

"We? Who else knows?"

"Just a few people don't worry about-"

"Jake if you don't tell me I will slam you like fucking John Cena." Jake paused fighting against daring the feisty woman to do her worst or laugh that she made a threat using a famous WWE wrestler. "Okay okay- it was like six people." That somewhat eased Olivia's tense posture, but she still remained ready if she had to elbow Jake in the throat. "Who exactly? I need names."

"Me, Neytiri, Norm, Tsu'tey, Mo'at, eastern sea lady- that's six right?" Olivia relaxed for about a second before grabbing ahold of the wheels on Jakes wheelchair which he was quick to protest to. "Wait- did you say, Tsu'tey?" Jake paused to squint towards Olivia. "Yeah, what about him?" The woman visibly sagged as she plopped back into her seat. "He made a comment to me yesterday morning regarding Zuril and I. At first I didn't think much of it- actually I wasn't thinking of anything except pushing his pompous ass over the rock wall surrounding the tree of souls." Jake snorted as the images of Tsu'tey being tossed over the wall flooded his mind. "Yeah, he wasn't so happy about hearing it." He wanted to disclose what the wounded warrior had actually said but decided not to due to Olivia's running emotions. When it came to here, adding fuel to the fire was like tossing a rock at a thanator that's already pissed off. Which reminded him...

"What happened to you exactly the day we got separated?" Olivia tapped her fingernail on the table top while her eyes stared off at nothing in particular. "Well after about halfway through the thanator chase, I didn't watch where I was going- tripped on a protruding tree root, hit my head on a rock and knocked myself out. Of course I was sent back to the link beds with a massive headache. A couple hours later, I was able to wake up in the avatar body but the scenery had changed. It was night time and you nor the thanator were in sight. I didn't tell anyone where I actually was- Grace had basically strangled me wanting to know if I was safe. So I lied, which I feel immensely guilty of, and told her that I was on my way to the Omaticaya where you were at." Jake nodded, absorbing the information like a sponge. "Okay but how did you get mixed up with the Eastern Sea clan? They aren't anywhere near the forest let alone the Omaticaya?"

"In an odd turn of events, a few members of their clan and the tsahìk were on their way (using what few pa'li they had) to the Omaticaya, saw me stumbling about and took me in- or was it kidnapped me? Either way that part is a bit fuzzy." Olivia shrugged her shoulders, a lot of time had passed in a blink of an eye. "Which leads me to my next question, did Wainfleet know?" Olivia didn't understand why she tensed up at his name even though she was sure that the question of her ex-lover would be brought up. "He... knew to an extent. I did tell him that I was fine and in good hands with another clan. He would also try to pry for details but I was very short and didn't give him much- oh saw an ikran today or the children made me a bracelet, never anything personal."

"Did you know about his involvement?" Olivia sighed before closing her recently discarded book. "Of course I did. We were involved with each other so he told me basically everything that was stored within his stupid head. The plan to take down the kelutral, to kill anyone and everyone, his loyalty to Quaritch. I knew everything but apart of me doubted that he would do such a thing but I was blinded- I did in a sense love him. Maybe it was because he held no fear or that he could be my anchor when I've wanted to just float away. We had planned a future together back on earth, a nice home and a couple of children. We would get married and live to die old. But when you learn that the possible love of your life is a trained murderer who could care less if he shot a child whether it be of another species- that love just seems superficial. So I had to stop him.."

"Stop him? What do-"

"I killed him or at least led him to his death." Jake didn't know what to think. True Wainfleet was a dick on so many levels but it was difficult to fathom that two people so in love could lead to the other wiping out their existence. "Did he uh- did he know about Zuril?" Olivia jerked her head towards Jake with furrowed eyebrows. "Of course not! If he knew that another man had asked me to he his- Wainfleet would have went to Quaritch and persuaded him to attack the na'vi of the eastern sea. Attacking one clan is bad enough but unleashing the fires of hell on another is even worse." Jake knew that deep inside, Olivia felt partially guilty of the attack on the Omaticaya. She knew of the plan and could have attempted to stop the RDA or at least warn her clan of what was about to take place to their sister clan. But she didn't- much like him, they kept their mouths shut (even though Jake later admitted to what was going to happen but it was too late) and got swept up into the foreign world around them.

"So about Zuril..."

"Jake, shut up."


It had been quite a while since Olivia really looked at her human body. Her once tanned skin was ashen and clung tight like elastic. Her bountiful black bob was greasy and thinning while her green eyes that she was always told were her best features had sunken into her skull with a heavy layer of eye bags to compliment them. She looked like something Tim Burton would conjure up. Unlike her human appearance, her avatar was beautiful and healthy. Not even close to appearing like the shell she was currently gazing at in the mirror.

It sickened her.


Since there is no other language spoken in this chapter besides English, I will only have to put one language reminder.

Sorry for the really boring chapter but I needed to put more information regarding Olivia's relations, emotions and thoughts. And I got inspiration of Olivia's human appearance from Uma Thurman (pulp fiction specifically).

T R I V I A:

1. What is Olivia's ikrans name?

2. Who is the third eldest of the four siblings previously mentions and what jewelry do they wear?

3. What does the name of endearment that Zuril gave Olivia before be left mean?

If all these questions get answered correctly by the first three people, you will get to be a character within this book. If you do win, I will need you to message me the name of your character, gender, a paragraph of the description of your character (include their occupation i.e huntress, warrior, homemaker, midwife, healer, cooks etc) and what relations do they have (i.e someones sister, mate, future mate, the clan they are in). Good luck!

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