|"Come play in the rain with me." |

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No matter how hard she tried, Sequoia just could not find it in herself to be interested in the types of techniques on using the bola when it came to combating against an ikran. Maybe it was because she had no interest in the first place or possibly because she was trying to concentrate on bandaging the knee of a small boy whom seemed popular amongst the clan with his siblings. "Peytio, try and avoid getting this leaf wrap dirty." The small boy peered down at the green leaf that engulfed his entire knee. "That will be hard- we are learning to play 'footsball'." The healer in training rolled her eyes knowing very well that he and probably a whole troop of children will be showing up looking like a bunch of ragamuffins. "Is the Olo'eyktan teaching you? He knows many things but lacks the smarts of when to use and not use them. This for instance is the perfect example- now go, and try to at least keep the leaf in whole." Peytio gave her a cheeky smile before rushing out of the healers alcove.

Fa'Meuia chuckled. "That leaf will be lost." Sadly, she knew he was right. Sighing, the woman stashed away the leafs into an urn before placing them and the container of salve up on a high shelf. "I know, but I cannot stop a child from expressing their freedom... even when that freedom is in the form of a tawtute past-time." The hunter shifted his eyes over Sequoia who stood with her back towards him while refilling her personal parcel of first aid in case an emergency came up and she wasn't close enough to the alcove. "Your hair, why do you wear it untamed?" The question was a bit odd, considering nobody really cared for appearance within the na'vi (well not to the extent of humans). "I rather like the feeling of the breeze between the strands. It's comforting."

The healer in training turned around and was met with the sight of cyan just a few hues lighter than her own skin. Looking up, the woman met the wide amber eyes of her cheeky teacher who peered down at her slightly shorter height with kindness before lifting his hand up to gently pet the eagle feather that was plaited on the right of her face. "It suits you." She wasn't sure if the hunter was speaking in regard to the feather that danced tenderly between his fingers or the bountiful waves of her hair that fell beyond her shoulders in ebony curtains. Either way it was a compliment that she would earnestly take. "I do not need flattery... but it is appreciated. Whether it holds no truth-"

"Who says it holds no truth? I do not speak what I do not mean... and I meant it." Sequoia felt her chest constrict slightly or was it her stomach? She felt light on her feet as she watched the male, her teacher pull away till he stood a safe distance away with a small smile. "It is to rain sometime soon." The woman furrowed her brow. "Is it? I do not fair in the knowledge of weather but rather in the art of healing and medicine." Fa'Meuia shook his head as if to rid himself of a bad thought before reaching his hand out to intertwine his four fingers with her five. "It is to rain- I've loved the rain since I was a child. My mother would scold me for playing in it because I could become ill but I didn't care." As if not cue, the loud boom of thunder followed by the soft pattering of raindrops echoed through the healers alcove.

"Hmm... Your mother was right though- you could become very ill by frolicking around in the cooler water especially after your done and not properly dried off." Sequoia wasn't taking the hint which had the hunter sighing. "You do not understand." The woman tilted her head to the side, confusion riddling her face. "I believe I do understand the consequences of playing in the rain." Fa'Meuia remained quietly until he gently tugged on her hand which reminded the healer that they were still grasping each others fingers. "Come play in the rain with me."


The last time she felt the cool refreshing water that the earth had to offer was when she too was a child. When the reason of rain would come, she and tribes children would dance between the drops of rain in gratitude for the splendor. But once she got older, those times of childish enjoyment ceased and adulthood took over as well as her role within the tribe. But now as she stood still, face lifted towards the darkened skies as rainfall cascaded against her skin, the faint cries and laughter of the clans children and even some adults gracing her ears felt so surreal. This single moment transferred her back to those times and then did it dawn on her how much she truly missed her father and the tribe she called family. Fa'Meuia stood just a little bit of distance away with his hands cupped to catch a small pool of the water before sending it splashing all over Sequoia. "You may daydream later, for now let's play." It seemed childish and normally the hunter was not this immature but he had made a deal with himself that he would crack the calm exterior of his student- one way or another. The woman huffed at getting water up her nose (from her head being tilted back) before reaching down, scooping up a clump of mud and tossing it right smack in the middle of his chest.

From that single throw caused an outburst of mud flinging that even had others both children and adults willing to endure the pelts of rain coming to join in the mud fight. Sequoia gave a triumphant smile as her keen ability of throwing (which she managed to cultivate from tossing tomahawks at targets back on earth) landed her mud pie dead-center of Fa'Meuia's face causing the hunter to sputter and spit out glops of the mushy earth. Of course the goop didn't stay for long, its sediment moving across his skin like fine rivulets littering the land. The hunter laughed just as a stray mud pie smacked the back of the healer in trainings head causing her to stumble forward and into the amused male. A faint 'sorry' was heard and turning to acknowledge the culprit, the woman found a sheepish looking Norm shrugging his shoulders before getting his face completely obliterated by a cackling Olivia.

"Your friends seem to take this seriously." Fa'Meuia leant down to whisper gently into the woman's ear causing her to jerk back slightly. His large hands grasped her forearms with a cheeky smile. "Mud is harder to get out of hair even with the rain, let me help." Sequoia faintly nodded and watched as her teacher moved his hands from her skin and into her hair. His method was ineffective due to the fact that he was not facing towards the mud splatter but towards her front. "Don't you think it would be easier if I was to turn around?" Fa'Meuia paused before trailing his fingers through the drenched strands which he then took and placed against his lips, wistfully kissing the tips. Sequoia was frozen in place, the only sign that she was indeed still in existence was her chest moving from each inhale and exhale and the way her pupils dilated as she watched his lips move against the soaked pieces of hair. His eyes never left hers, the pools of amber she had grown familiar with now glowed bright as they peered at her past long lashes.

Those lips had long left her hair and instead found themselves planted intimately against her own. Time did not stand still, sparks did not fly and the world did not go silent. This was no fairytale but reality where the laughter and shouting continued, the mud plopped and smacked against the floor and their victims, and the rain continued to fall in sheets. Sequoia hesitantly placed her hands on Fa'Meuia's shoulders while his own cupped her face. The kiss wasn't one fueled by lust or driven by one-sided benefits but lingered like the first sharings of innocent infatuation.

A first kiss. A secret kiss, going unnoticed by those around them.


Hey everyone, I just wanted to say Happy 4th to everyone and if you are from another country then I hope you are having an amazing day!

I'm still going through some things and it was getting better but it took a turn for the worse so I am a bit caught up with that. Thank you for understanding.

Also I will be creating an American Horror Story book which I am excited about! I have worked hard on planning for it and will probably put it out along with the District 9 story once this one is finished. Sorry Valerian you will have to wait!

Vote and comment to your hearts content ❤

Dreamwalker of the Eastern Sea Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon