| "I will not take the female seat." |

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He knew his life was at an end. Struggling to sit, Tsu'tey hissed at the pain blooming throughout his abdomen. Looking down, the scarlet rivets of blood oozed from several bullet wounds coating his torso in thick hemoglobin trails. From above the sounds of battle continued on like a mantra yet the forest that the wounded warrior landed within wasn't all quiet either. Machine guns, the cries of wounded pa'li and the scent of the burning fauna made Tsu'tey nauseous. This was his home, this forest- this earth. A weak growl emitted deep from beneath his sternum, he should be in battle not wasting away here in bottled sorrows.

Cursing beneath his breath, Tsu'tey pushed himself forward onto his knees but that was as far as he could go as a large mechanical hand grabbed ahold of his queue and with a hard jerk, lifted him off the ground. White hot agony pulsed down his spine from the base of his large braid causing Tsu'tey to hiss as his hands tried to pry away the source of his anguish. "Well- well- well, look what we have here. An injured monkey with no one around to save him. I'd say one less nuisance is better off than having none." Wainfleet smiled wickedly at the struggling na'vi, his other bionicle arm pulling a large knife from the holder on the mechanical suits leg. "I'll make it quick- and very painful." The man chuckled behind the plexiglass of his suit as he raised the large knife to the braid wrapped around the metal of his hand. Tsu'tey struggled harder within his grasp but between the pain in his skull and the oozing wounds of his abdomen, his struggling was futile.

But Wainfleet only made it a couple inches before a shrill cry broke out from above him. The suit staggered as a large body landed atop the plexiglass covering. "What the-" Wainfleet looked up to see two large feet, two large hands and a peeved off blue face hovering over the glass. Hissing, the newcomer grabbed a knife that was strapped to their outer thigh before dislodging the weapon into the glass. "Stupid bitch!" Wainfleet flung Tsu'tey to the ground with his full attention now on the new threat. The female na'vi jumped to the ground with a light thud, her amber eyes narrowing onto the AMP suit that was currently swiping at the air with the large combat knife. "You want some too, sweet cheeks?" The female hissed, her face looking more menacing covered in white and red war paint. Wainfleet gave a challenging wave of the AMP's hand which caused the woman to bare her sharp teeth. Tsu'tey could only watch on with a fraction of relief yet the fear for the female and his own self made him tense up uncomfortably from his half sitting position.

The female turned her sharp gaze onto the injured warrior before making a run to his side, barely missing the blade that Wainfleet swung. "Oh- protecting your little boyfriend. Well, don't worry.... you'll both be together in death." Wainfleet took fast steps towards the two as the female moved to stand between the AMP suit and the injured Tsu'tey. "Run, save yourself." But the warriors words fell on deaf ears as the woman drew her arm back, arrow cocked and ready within her cross bow. Wainfleet eyed her bow with humor before settling on her hands. Five fingers- not four like the native born inhabitants of Pandora but five like the lab created avatars. At closer inspection, he noticed the structure of her face. Sharp yet wide eyes, smooth yet angular cheekbones, plush lips with a noticable cupids bow and the all famous glare that he had witnessed and received many times in the passing days. "Olivia?" Even upon hearing her name, the woman didn't falter in her form. "You've got to be kidding me! I expected no less from that bitch Grace, even was a bit surprised when it came to that crippled marine- but you out of all people!" Wainfleet felt an ache in his chest but could only express his emotions with a long strung out laugh. Tsu'tey was confused at the jumble of words that spewed from the small man within the shield that walks.

"We had a future. We- we talked night and day of getting outta here off this hell hole of a planet. Getting a house together, married, some kids! And now you want to blow all that off for some shit throwing monkeys? To play some fucking game like you're one of them? WELL YOU AREN'T OPEN YOUR GODDAMN EYES OLIVIA THEY WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU AFTER WHAT WE'VE DONE!" Wainfleet was losing his temper fast and the grip on the combat knifes handle only tightened. Still Olivia remained silent. "I thought you were smart? But now I see I was wrong." Olivia tensed when Wainfleet sheathed the combat knife back into it's holder only to grab the GAU-90 from the AMP's waist. Tsu'tey stilled against the ground, the faint vibrations alarming his body that something was coming. "We need to leave now."

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