|"This idea is as dumb as Jake's stunt with the toruk." |

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Tsu'tey had finally made a decision on which tree was suitable enough for his clan. Though, in comparison to their beloved last one- this candidate was just a tad bit smaller but still spacious and big enough to provide shelter for the Omaticaya. The area surrounding the tree was ample with room- that would be used for archery training and the direhorses to roam. Water holes were provided though they were a bit of a walking distance, as for sources of food- hexapede and sturmbeest came in good numbers. But, that was just through the view of the technology the RDA still had. The Omaticayan warrior wanted to see the area in person and wished to see it today... specifically right at that moment.

"You do realize that it will take several hours to get there, right?" Olivia was not expecting to be sought out by the sourpuss na'vi himself directly upon waking up in her avatar body. It was Wednesday, four days away from the biggest change of her change- and she was anything but ready. "Yes- so we must leave now." Tsu'tey didn't spare the woman one glance as he turned away to fetch a few of his fellow warriors to come along. "By the time we leave, arrive, and then look- it will be past the sun setting."

"Then we will stay there."

It seemed the warrior had a answer for everything, even with his heavily accented voice it didn't hinder him from shooting back in english (which made him internally gag). "I don't think-"

"Stop thinking and go find NormSpellman, and that other dreamwalker you hang around. We will never make it there in time if you keep talking." Olivia would have tore  his tail off and strangled him with it if it weren't for the many witnesses surrounding the area. Not to mention that this was not her clan (and the fact that she was not a born na'vi)- they were reliable to murder her as a threat. "Doh! that presumptuous ass-"

"Language." Kahiau had watched the very brief interaction and found that once the warrior left was the perfect time to make his presence known. "I'm afraid that if I stay around him anymore than I have to a lot more than that will come out."

"Is that so? Well, I hope you will enjoy not having a tongue cause I'm sure he won't have a problem cutting it out." Olivia couldn't help but cringe at the thought of her tongue being sawed out of her mouth with a cackling Tsu'tey standing over her. "Oh I know he would enjoy it." Kahiau snickered before patting her shoulder reassuringly. "So what does the day bring us?" That elicited a sigh from the woman as she gestured him to follow her. "He chose the new hometree-"

"That's great news-"

"It is. And he wants to go explore it- today." Olivia weaved in and out of the clans people as she made her way towards where the injured na'vi were recovering. "Where are you going?" Kahiau followed directly beside Olivia as she paused to look over each na'vi that was either lying down or sitting up to have their wounds assessed. "I'm looking for a certain- there he is." Currently tearing into a piece of fruit was none other than Norm Spellman, the geeky man who ran into battle with nothing but a white tank top on and a machine gun after his avatar was bulleted down in the beginning of the battle.

"Glad to see that we won't be having to cook up another body for you." Norm was like a one year old- sputtering and trying to talk with a full mouth causing mashed pieces of fruit to drop out the corners of his mouth. The healer that had given him the fruit openly glared at the messy dreamwalker before giving him a tongue lashing on how to eat properly and not like a newborn pa'li. "Sorry- what brings you two to the injured side?"

"We are going to the new hometree."

"Tsu'tey finally came to a decision?"

"Yep and you are one of the lucky ones that get join us- so pack some snacks and meet us at the wall."

Dreamwalker of the Eastern Sea Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora