|"I think brother Kahiau ate a bug." |

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Olivia found it quite difficult to tell what day it was when she was linked to her avatar at the tree of souls, the mornings turned to midday before they dipped into night time. She didn't understand the nagging that pulled at the back recesses of her mind but she needed to find a calendar. Luckily for her, the science department was prone to keeping many of the glossy paged booklets. So early the next morning (the previous day being nothing but hunched over tablets, laptops and large software computers while trying not to rip a certain someones ears off) Olivia- dressed and masked made her way to the roofless section of the vicinity.

Upon arrival, most of the room was- trashed? destroyed? completely ransacked to the point that if you didn't know what the room was beforehand than you would probably guess that the room was just a room. Microscopes, test tubes, petri-dishes, books, and various samples were in pieces along the floor. Pictures of plants, fauna, the na'vi and different anatomies- torn and halfway hanging on the wall. To perfectly describe the science department building would be a post apocalyptic nightmare. Then again, it was sort of like that.

"I highly doubt that a calendar would have survived this much damage. I mean- look at the place! If a microscope which is much more sturdier and built to hold together cannot take being thrown around than 12 pages stapled together won't either." Oh yeah, the ever so lovely Norm had also decided to tag along. "Oh you would be surprised." Norm huffed as he tip toed across shattered glass to stand beside Olivia. "Why do you need a calendar anyway? The na'vi don't have names for certain days of the week rather they just call it another day."

"For personal reasons, Norm." True, the na'vi didn't have a slow monday nor a party saturday- hell, not even a taco tuesday because each day was only a day. Nothing more, nothing less. "Like what?" Norm visibly cringed when he shifted his foot, the glass beneath his boot crackling loudly under the weight. "We have a week to find a new home tree and then complete the mind to body transfer. Has it ever crossed your mind just how close we might be to that deadline?" Olivia made her first target a file cabinet that had several drawers already open. "I mean yes but I don't need to rely on what the actual day is when Mo'at will be there to inform us."

"My point exactly. You don't know and I'm not saying that relying on the Tsahìk is a bad thing- but what if you aren't ready?" Norm could feel the lightbulb above his head go off like the buzzer on a kitchen timer. "You don't want to do the transfer." It wasn't a question but more of a statement. "Of course I do! I'm just... My mind isn't ready yet." Olivia hated the way she sounded so unsure. Grace didn't make it through hers (due to injuries) so what made it so reassuring that she would- or even the others- would pass to their avatar bodies safely? "Olivia there is nothing to be afraid of. Look, if you are that scared why not ask Mo'at to do yours last or even postpone it to the next day?"

"Look- just drop the subject." Norm raised his hands in surrender before he turned towards a nearby wall covered in tattered posters. "Hey, wasn't Kahiau supposed to come help us?"

"He was but decided last minute to stay linked up so he could entertain the Omaticaya children."

"Hmm.. I wonder how that's going."


"Brother Kahiau- why is sister Olivia not waking?" The male looked up from his current task- braiding strips of long leaves together to serve as armbands to see Peytio pointing towards his comrades motionless body. "She is in deep sleep." Liko frowned, peering past Kahiau towards the slumbering body. "How can she sleep when she should be playing with us?"

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