|"Yeah, it counts for how stupid you really are." |

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Hell's Gate- a structural shell of a birthing genocide. The building for the most part was missing large sections of its outer walls, the roof off the main lab where samples from the nearby forests was completely torn off and discarded on the loading platform where the ISV Venture Star would land to deliver the one to change the future of Pandora, Jake Sully. The science building that held the main chambers that linked the human counterpart to their avatar seemed to face the least amount of damage. As for the military compound, machinery workshop and main technology room that Selfridge claimed as his hide out- those areas were torn to pieces. Olivia couldn't help but frown. Despite, the immaculate feeling of being inside a compound similar to that of prison- fond memories and friendships were formed here. Olivia could easily remember the day Kahiau had almost strangled her to death in one of his classic bear hugs when he arrived to their shared bunk. Or when Norm had went in for a slam dunk on the basketball court only to trip on his tail and smack his head into the hoop. And even Jake who decided that it was a good idea to race down a steep incline in his wheelchair with a broom under his arm just to hit a pothole and crash into the grass.

Not forgetting Max and his brilliant idea of trying to communicate with the prolemuris- only to be pelted with pandorian fruit. And lastly, Grace... With her it was never a dull moment especially when it came to her beating Jake's head like a bongo when he was being an idiot (which was all the time). In short, Hell's Gate- The Avatar Program was not all bad. Some came into this job with the hope of discovering something otherworldly, to learn a new language, a new culture- to experience a period in time where pollution and deterioration was not suffocating the earth around them. The footprint left on Pandora by the RDA will never leave- no, it is as permanent as the natives, the fauna, the animals and the unforseen power that pulses just beneath the surfaces of this planet.


"Damn this place is as worse as it was when it was actually intact." Jake's loud voice boomed through the room startling Olivia from her daydream. "And who is to blame for that?" Scoffing, Jake struggled to get his large blue body into the not-so-big big room. When you are a bit taller than 9ft in a room the size of a standard house- it's definitely a change. The doorway of course made for only human sized bodies didn't quite help either. "If it wasn't for me- the RDA would have still been here."

"If it wasn't for you this whole mess wouldn't have happened."

"Yeah well if I wouldn't have started this mess then-"

"Alright- we get it. If Jake didn't go head over tails for the princess and cost us many things then none of this would have happened. But he did, and we should be slightly grateful for that." Norm, the awkward geek who in some cases was the saving voice when it came to Jake and Olivia having a verbal altercation. "Slightly?" Jake couldn't help but feign offence as he squeezed the last bit of his legs into the room, practically squashing Norm in the process. "Well, yes. You did not only pave the way for the hometree of the Omaticaya to be destroyed as well as meddling within the hierarchy-"

"Okay I get it. Stupid Jake strikes again. But you have to admit- I also saved Pandora with my paving and meddling. So that has to count for something."

"Yeah, it counts for how stupid you really are." Olivia managed a triumphant smirk as Jake unfurled a hiss towards the back of her head. "This is where tawtute stay?" That voice was like nails on a chalkboard to the only female in the room. Olivia had to fight down the urge to groan towards the cracked ceiling, to beg Eywa to wake her from this terrible nightmare. "No, just where the nerds like to hangout and talk about what color green looks best on leaves." Tsu'tey furrowed the ridge of his eyebrows- not one word did he understand besides 'no'. "This is a lab. A place for gathering information." Olivia decided to spare the clueless warrior, instead acting civil for the matter of finding a new hometree for the Omaticaya. Tsu'tey squinted at the human woman who sat comfortably upon some foreign object that glided across the floor just as she moved.

"How do you know my name?" Tsu'tey only knew of four dreamwalkers- JakeSully, NormSpellman, Grace (who was deceased) and MaxPatel (only spoke to once). "Wow- for a warrior, I would have expected your senses to be more keen." Olivia couldn't help but give herself a mental high five for openly insulting the overgrown prolemuris who seethed in the middle of the doorway. The only creature that openly disrespected him was that mistake of a na'vi that saved him. She was small in this body (which he knew was normal) with sickly pale skin, stringy hair that resembled black thread and dull green eyes. "You dare to speak to me like-"

"Oh no we aren't- we are here strictly for the sake of the Omaticaya not to begin another round of who is more superior." Jake pointed an accusing finger towards both Tsu'tey and Olivia. The warrior sent a rather heated glare at the woman while she turned her attention towards Norm. "Norm."

"Right- so.. We have found plenty of hometrees that would make a suitable kelutral for the Omaticaya. But, having an actually clan member present helps us narrow down the list by a huge amount." Norm turned to face Tsu'tey who had finally managed to fit his whole body into one of the corners near the doorway (just incase he needed to swiftly leave due to the uncomfortable confinement). "What are the most important aspects when it comes to a hometree? Open fields? Water holes? Hunting areas?"

"Hometree needs to be big- families only grow bigger everyday so space is required. Open fields for archery training and pa'li riding. Stables can be built. As for water, a few watering holes will due. The Omaticaya would prefer to stay close to the tree of souls. As for hunting- we don't need an overly abundant area but one that will balance out what we take."

"Olivia- you got all of that?"

"Looks like we have a match."


Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me muahahaha.

Just kidding, I'm back! Sorry to have just dropped everything and disappear. I lost my mojo for writing and this story- but as you can see it's been replenished. I vowed to not abandon this story- and that vow I plan on keeping.

So lets get this show on the road!

Also I will start the trivia questions back up again in the next chapter.

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