Start from the beginning

But soon September 1st came and I had found myself on platform 9 3/4. "Alright Rosie, have your badge? Good. Hugo have everything?" My mother was checking me and my brother before we got into the train. "Mother, I need to go." I told her. "Alright, please be safe. I love you." My brother brought me and my brother into an embrace. Hugo and I had gotten into the train and waved at my mother until we turned the corner and it vanished from sight. "I hate dad..." I gasped when I heard my brother say such a horrible thing. "Hugo! How could you say such a thing?" I asked bewildered. "He's never home... He couldn't even see us off..." Hugo whispered. I bent lower so we were eye level. "Hugo. Dad is protecting us, he has to do this- it's his job." I said choking a little. Hugo looked at me, and it was the first time I had actually seen my brother this close in a long time. He had grown over the years.. He had brown curly hair, and freckles on the bridge of his nose. And his dark brown eyes looked red rimmed, almost as if he had been crying... I was busy trying to come off brave I forgot all about my brother- and that he needed me to be brave for him. "You don't always need to be strong Rose, it's ok to cry every once in awhile." And with that he turned around and went down the train and into a compartment. I stood up and took a deep breath. "Don't cry. Don't cry." I whispered to myself. "Why would you cry?" A familiar voice said behind me. I jumped at the sound of his voice. I turned around to face Brandon Woods, a sixth year Gryffindor and the seeker for the Gryffindor quiddittch team. "Hm? Oh I didn't say cry- I said try. 'Don't try'." I said trying to change the subject. "Don't try? Don't try what?" He asked. I thought for a second and then said, "don't try to kill my brother, he gets annoying and I sometimes wish I could just hex him." He nodded his head in agreement. "Wait- what are you doing here? You need to be in a compartment!" I suddenly remembered I'm a prefect, I need to instruct people. He raised his eye brows at me. "Well your not wrong- I need to find the prefects carriage." I gaped at him. "Wait what? Why?" Please don't be a prefect. I thought to myself. "I'm captain, of the team now, I need to speak to the HB and HG." He said with pride. "Oh- wow that's great Woods." I said feeling relieved. He frowned at me. "Rose- I know I was a jerk last year- but could you please call me Brandon again?" He asked. I thought about this for a minute and said, "I don't know, you were a huge douche. I'll think about it." And with that, I went to find the prefects carriage at the front of the train. When I got there I could see most of the prefects already there. For Hufflepuff it was the boy who had a thing for Harley the year before (who's name was Frank Burnum) and a girl with auburn hair in braids who's name was Alexandria. For Ravenclaw it was a cute boy with dark hair and blue eyes named John Cathloc and a girl with brown hair who's name was Randy Lexus. Slytherin hadn't shown up yet and nor had the other Gryffindor. I sat down and we all started talking. "When are the Head Boy and Head Girl getting here?" Randy had asked. "I assume after the rest of us get here." Frank said thoughtfully. Then a Gryffindor boy who I had never spoken to before walked in. I saw the prefect badge gleaming against his black robes and knew he must be the prefect. "Sorry I'm late." He said as he sat down next to me. He introduced himself as Jake Peck. He was a cute boy I had to admit, he had light brown hair that spiked upwards, and brown eyes. And a clear, thinned face. We all introduced ourself again and continued to wait for the Slytherins. Finally they showed up. First came in the banshee girl from last year. And to my horror, next came in Scorpius Malfoy. He seemed to have grown over the summer, he was taller and to my minds horror, really attractive. But I didn't look long, I quickly looked away and mumbled, "took you long enough." Scorpius and Daisy sat down, introduced themselves, and apologized for being late. My stomach gave a lurch as I watched Daisy grab ahold a Scorpius's hand. I shot Him a look and he raised his eyebrows at me lazily as if saying 'why is it your business'. Then the HB and HG walked in finally. "Congratulations on being made prefects all of you, but bear in mind that it is a lot of work to handle. Especially if your are a fifth year." I remembered that fifth years have OWL's. "But I trust you can all handle it?" The HG asked us. We all nodded our heads. "Now let's get to business. We set up a rounds schedule for you all. Just follow it and everything will go to plan and run smoothly." The HB handed us all our round schedules and we were free to leave. "So Rose, is it?" Jake asked me as we walked down the compartment. "Yea." I said simply as I looked through windows trying to find my friends. "Well, I'll see you around then?" He asked. I nodded my head without looking. And I heard him walk away. When I found my friends we all started talking. "Did you hear Scorpius Malfoy got a girlfriend?" Harley asked us in disbelief. Hannah and Sarah frowned. "Really? It's a shame... Yea he was a jerk. But he was a hot jerk." Sarah said more to herself than to anyone. I scoffed. "Please! That rodent? Hot? Yeah right! And I feel sorry for the banshee, she's going to suffer with the jerk." I said with a forced laugh. "Why would it matter to you?" Harley asked with raised eyebrows. I forced another laugh. "Care? I don't care!" I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Harley gave me a suspicious look before changing the subject. Whenever we arrived at Hogwarts I was happy to finally be in the carriage with my friends pulled by invisible winged horses (My uncle explained about these when I was younger) and on my way to the feast. When we got there however, we did not expect to see professor Mgonogal looking so serious. As everyone was seated, and when the sorting was over, she raised her hands indicating for everyone to be silent.
"I am sorry to inform you that there will be no Hogsmeid trips this year." There was a lot of protest from students, but they shut up quickly at the look on the Headmistresses face. "Antonin Dolohov has been spotted near the village, meaning it is too dangerous to allow students to wonder the village. Extra security measures will be taken into action this year until the criminal is caught. That being said I must warn you not to wonder the castle at night-" I saw her eyes flash to the Slytherin table, and I saw Albus and Scorpius lower there heads. "But things will continue as normal as possible. So please enjoy the feast." She clapped her hands and mountains of food appeared on the tables. Everyone started talking about Dolohov and where he might be. "What do you think he is after?" I heard a Gryffindor boy next to me ask his friends. I was silent as I thought about it. "That's a good question..." I whispered to myself. "The Daily Prophet says they are close to finding him though!" Hannah said. Harley said, "Hannah- that's what the daily prophet says. They say those things so people calm down." I ate in silence, not in the mood to give my opinion about it. After the feast the prefects led the first years to the dormitories and explained the rules. After I explained everything, I left to go do my rounds. Jake and I started to walk towards the dungeons. "Alright..." I stopped walking to look at my paper. "It says we should split up to cover more ground... Ok I'll go this way." I pointed down one hallway. "And you go that way." I pointed the other way. I looked up at Jake to see him staring at me with a weird look in his eyes. It scared me a little. "Um- right. So see you when I'm done." And I started to walk away, wanting to be no where near him at the moment. The look in his eyes... Almost hungry. As I walked through the dungeons it got colder. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. I quickly pulled out my wand and muttered "lumos" the hall was ignited by white light. "Is someone there?" I whispered. There was no answer. I lowered my wand a little. "Weasley?" I jumped and raised my wand again. I turned around and found myself pointing my wand in Malfoys face. "Oi!" He said raising his hands in surrender. I lowered my wand. "What are you doing here?" I whispered. I kept my wand lit as I looked at his face. "I'm doing my rounds. Why are you here?" He asked rudely. I straightened up and glared at him. "I'm suppose to do rounds in the dungeons tonight Malfoy. Your suppose to be up on the third floor with your girlfriend." I said just as rudely. He narrowed his eyes at me and sneered. "Oh is someone jealous?" I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms, "please. Jealous? If anything I feel pity for little miss banshee. Having to put up with you everyday? Tell her I said good luck won't you?" I said with a final sneer. I turned around and walked away down the corridor fuming. Rounds would be over in five minutes for me anyways, might as well head back. I walked back up to Gryffindor tower alone that night, everyone els was already asleep. I got into bed without changing, sleep getting the better of me, and went to sleep for school the next morning.

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