Chapter Twenty-Three - Begin

Start from the beginning

"Here, you take Buttons," Vivian began, gently placing Button's into my arms, he was a little fussy at first, sniffing me to get my scent, his face brushing against my neck and at one point he even tried to eat my hair, but he soon calmed down, "I'll get the snacks ready and place your bag in my room." she spoke, as we both stepped into her house.  was immediately greeted with a soft beige carpet, politely I took my shoes off as Vivian carelessly dumped her own in a small space where the ironing board and extra washing-up liquid was placed. 

"Make yourself at home," she spoke in welcomingly, to which I smiled at as I watched her drag my suitcase upstairs, with Buttons still in my hand I walked into the living room, it's colours were mainly white, blue and grey, the walls were painted a sheer stainless white, the carpet was also white and spotless, with a huge soft grey rug that my feet melted into. She had teal curtains with a TV that curved smoothly into the corner, their was a grey spinning chair in the opposing corner towards the door and diagonal to that was a white leather chair that retracted so you could put your feet up, and in the middle, just beside the door leading to the kitchen was the main white leathered sofa, which had teal-coloured fluffy cushions to match the curtains and a soft grey blanket wrapped over the top of it, a rather friendly, welcoming vibe. 

I walked into the kitchen which was once again another spacious room, the kitchen top was a grey marble with white cabinets and a teal microwave and kettle, along with the tap curving around the corner too. Beside the counter was what I could guess was Button's cage for what he would be placed in when everyone went to their rooms so he didn't wreck the place during their slumber. It was filled with elephant teddies and a teal cushion along with both grey and white soft blankets to keep him warm. 

Going across was the kitchen table that was a clear white with white leathered chairs to match, I turned around and saw Vivian standing at the frame of the door, "I hope it isn't messy for you," she began, "I was meant to clean up after I got in from school yesterday, but, you know what happened." she spoke, tilting her head lightly to the side, I nodded my head, gently placing Buttons on the floor to which he rushed to his food bowl, "Yeah, but don't worry, it's cleaner than my future." I reassured her, to which she giggled at. 

As Vivian walked across to get large bowls to fill with snacks, she handed me two blankets she had bought, freshly rolled up, both of them a grey colour, "While I get the snacks ready you can lay these out on the living room floor if you'd like?" she suggested, glancing at my clueless state just standing their, unknowing of what to do. I nodded my head, taking the blankets from her hands, "Of course!" I replied. 

I wandered off into the living room, surprisingly Buttons followed my trail, he watched from a distance as I laid out the blankets over the carpet, to add to the theme I grabbed the pillows from off each couch and pressed them up against the foot of each sofa, I stood back and admired my creation with a satisfied smile, "What do you think Buttons?" I questioned, looking back to the tiny corgi that was biting and tugging with all of his might on the edge of a blanket, I smiled softly. 

A knock echoed throughout the quiet atmosphere, "It's probably Chi and Scarlett!" Vivian called through, there was a pause as I heard scraping of what seemed like pots, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Do you want me to open the door?" I questioned. I heard Vivian harshly inhale by what seemed the gaps of her teeth, "Yes please, but make sure Buttons doesn't make a run for the door!" she replied. I nodded my head, "On it!" 

Carefully, I scooped up Buttons into my arms as I went to open the door, as I tugged on the door handle, it pulled open revealing Chi and Scarlett, "Blair!" Chi exclaimed again, "I'm so glad to see you again!" 

I smiled and their upbeat attitude, "It's nice to see you again to Chi!" I replied back, her eyes drifted to the fussy corgi fidgeting in between my arms, "Is that Vivian's dog?" they questioned, "Yup! Meet Buttons!" I declared. "Aw! He's so cute!" Chi spoke, crouching down to his level, I looked up to Scarlett, noticing she wasn't exactly the most impressed by Buttons, she let a sigh escape her lips and closed the door behind them both, she rested her bag against the wall at the bottom of the stairs whilst Chi still had theirs strapped onto their bag. 

Now that the door was closed, I gently placed Buttons down and watched as he pranced around Chi and Scarlett, Chi giggled excitedly and began to play and pet him, "I'm not exactly an animal person." Scarlett muttered as she came towards me, "I think I could tell from when you first saw Buttons." I answered, slowly nodding my head in agreement, as we both watched Chi play with Buttons. 

Suddenly we heard the rustling in the kitchen stop as Vivian had now entered the doorway with two bowls full of snacks, she smiled happily, "Let the sleepover..." she began, gradually raising her voice, we all anticipated for what she was about to say, despite knowing it was coming, 


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