The end

505 9 4


Damn..... it's that time again

When I gotta sign off

And thank everyone

I really didn't think in the beginning that these books would become a success at all! But they really are growing every day!

The first book has close to half a million views and 5k votes!

I'm so greatful for you guys

Those who've been there from the beginning know how I've been rocking with PM for a while. I'm sorry I haven't been as active on this book- my life did take a turn for the worst

I love all of you so much!

I hope you guys will support my other books as much as this one

But this is my last PM book

I'm done

This is me signing off

Lots of love

 ࿐ྂMe Necesita ࿐ྂ PRETTYMUCH Imagines & Preferences Where stories live. Discover now