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Okay I feel like I should address this right now because i don't want to abruptly end the book and leave people shook....

So due to the fact that I'm now in Grade 10 and have no time to continuously keep updating this book like I was last year with the other books- I'm going to be ending this book on 100 chapters much rather then the 200 that I did for the other books.

With that being said once I publish this part there will be 10 parts left to this book

So requests are limited to about 4 requests before I stop, cause this book has kinda been lacking in the requests area unlike the others

I really do love all of you. I'm not going to make a fourth book because damn I need a change in scenery. I might be coming out with a PM GiF series though

I'll come out with it before I end this book so I can announce it for you guys and everyone can go and support and everything



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