Attitude → Arreaga

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Who else thinks Brandon would make an amazing dad

Mo sat in front of the TV, her little eyes glued to the screen which displayed the TV show, Jake and the Neverland Pirates. I was in the kitchen adding the finishing touches on the Chicken Alfredo we were going to have at dinner.

The door opened and closed, before keys were thrown on the key table and footsteps made their way to the kitchen before an exhausted Brandon plopped at the kitchen table

"Why hello to you too baby" I laughed at his tired persona
"Sleep" he said in a zombie voice
"I guess you're not helping me was Mo" I laughed
"Sorry babe but that's all you tonight"

I smiled before making my way to the lounge grabbing the Tv remote and switching it off in return getting a groan from my 3 year old daughter

"Mommy nooooo" she whined
"Bath time Momo" I smiled at her
"Uhhhhh no" She sassed

I was taken a back at the attitude my own daughter was giving me.

"Ouuuuuu" Brandon said leaning against the doorframe. A bowl of food in this hands
"I think you heard me wrong" I said crouching to her level "get in that bath tub or no more TV time"
"You wouldn't dare" she challenged
"Try me Mo" I smirked
"Bath time daddy!" She yelled making a run for the bathroom

A little short but I'm tired....

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