Oh God:

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Perrie felt Bucky's cold metal hand on her," Are you okay?" he asked softly helping her up," I'm fine" Perrie mumbled," We are fine too Barnes, thanks for your concern" Natasha sassed making Bucky roll his eyes," Let's help Wanda, I have a bad feeling" Perrie said as the others nod.

In the distance, Perre could see a giant purple man appearing from black and blue cloud, on his left arm was shining golden gauntlet," Is that?" Natasha asked," Thanos? Probably yeah" Bucky said. Bruce who was wearing the Hulk bust armour was running towards him Thanos used the Gauntlet to make him go through him and getting absorbed into the rock wall behind him. He then threw Steve away from him the power stone slowly making way towards Wanda and Vision. T'Challa jumped up at but Thanos grabbed him by the throat and punched him into the ground. Sam and Rhodey were shooting at him but he used the Gauntlet to throw them on the ground," He's beating the shit out of his" Natasha said as Bucky, she and Perrie were watching from a distance thinking of a plan," It's my turn to try" Perrie said running out of the hideout, Bucky tried reaching for her but it wasn't to any use she was too fast. Perrie jumped on a rock and considered  on the water flowing through Thano's body before moving her hands making the Giant stop in his tracks," What the-" he said as his body his unwilling to move," Wanda now" Perrie screamed making the look at the android on the floor which she once thought was her soul mate," Wanda, it's okay" he said," I only feel you" he said grabbing her hand and placing it in front of the yellow stone which gave her the powers she has," Wanda, hurry he is strong" Perrie yelled as she felt Thanos fighting against it," Blood bender" he said not looking at her," Interesting" he added as his Gauntlet light," I'm sorry little one" he said as Perrie was thrown back into a tree. Perrie landed with a thud and a groan. Perrie looked up and saw Bucky shooting at Thanos while Natasha helped her friend up," I failed" she shook her head," It's not your fault Pez" Natasha said. Perrie looked up and saw Bucky was now on the ground and Okoye was throwing her spear at him but he stopped in mid-air and threw her away from him. Natasha charged at  Thanos as Wanda began destroying the mind stone, Thanos trapped Natasha with stone spikes. Groot was now attacking him as well but like the rest, it wasn't to any use. Wanda had tears flowing down her cheeks as she watched her friends getting beaten up, Steve was back on his feet attacking Thanos with all he got, he even was able to hold Thanos hand back for a good couple of seconds but then was punched in the face. Perrie tried using her powers again but Thanos saw her lifting her hands and lifted his Gauntlet at her making her fly back again while he moved towards Wanda.

Wanda was able to hold him back enough so she could destroy the stone which made her fly back," She did" Perrie smiled but it slowly vanished when she saw  Thanos use the time stone to bring Vision back," No" Wanda screamed and tried to run at him but Thanos threw her back and grabbed Vision by the throat-ripping out the mind stone from his head.

Thanos had all the infinity stone now, he was unstoppable now but from the distance, Perrie heard a scream and beam of lighting attacking Thanos," Thor" she said trying to stand up but failing, her bones were aching. From the distance, she saw that Thor's new weapon was buried into Thano's chest but it didn't help as Thanos was still able to lift his hand and snap his fingers together. A blast went through the forest and a weird feeling came over Perrie. She looked at her hands saw them slowly disappearing," Bucky?" she said making the soldier look at her his eyes widen when he saw the love of his turning into dust," NO" he scrambled towards her but before he could reach her she was gone. Tears were flowing down his cheeks," No" he mumbled, the only thing left off her was the necklace her mother gave Bucky after she died in his arms. He picked up and looked towards Steve who was looking at a dead Vision and Wanda mourning over him," Steve?" Bucky said as he saw his hand disappearing as Perrie did before him, he looked at Steve and vanished leaving his gun and Perrie's necklace behind.

Steve rushed over to where Bucky was and picked up the necklace. One by one people disappeared, T'Challa, Groot, Wanda turned into dust. "Oh god" Steve mumbled knowing they just have lost.


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