Guess who's back

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Perrie grunts as she hits the floor where Steve three her,"Are you okay?" he asked helping her up,"Physically I'm fine, emotionally I'm not" she said dusting herself off," Pez-","Don't you have no idea what I'm going through-,"I kind of do, friendly reminder that I found out that I have a daughter which is still in the hands of HYDRA" Steve hissed. Perrie jumped a bit of Steve's tone of voice, he never talked to her like that,"Sorry" she mumbles and starts to play with her fingers, Steve face softens and he ran his hand through his blonde hair,"I'm sorry too Pez" he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead,"I really am" he mumbles into her hair.

Shuri was preparing everything for Bucky to back under the ice while Bucky was sitting on a stool playing with his wedding ring while looking at a picture of Eva and Perrie which was taken on the plane."They are beautiful" Shuri said from behind him,"Yeah they are" he smiled,"I'm sorry about your daughter Mr Barnes " Shuri said sitting down beside him,"So am I" he said putting his ring back on and folding the picture in half and putting it into his pocket."Is it ready?", Shuri nods and the pair got up,"You know what to do" she said,"Shuri can I ask you something?" he turns to the Princess of Wakanda who nods,"Tell T'Challa to protect her, please" Shuri was about to open her mouth but was cut of by T'Challa himself,"Do not worry Mr Barnes, I will protect her with my life". Bucky gave him a nod before stepping into the tube, he took a deep breath before Shuri pressed the button to let the ice take over him.

Perrie was laying on her bed with her legs up against the wall looking at the pictures of the Temple, she had finally had time to look at them properly . She mostly looked at the pictures of the statues inside of the temples, she knows they are her ancestors and Avatars but she still didn't understand how she doesn't have every element as a power. She collected the pages and made her way to the lab where Bruce and Tony spend most of there time."Hey Pez, how are you feeling?" Bruce asked with a smile,"I need to ask you about ancestry" she said directly,"Sure, what do you need to know?","As you know we found out months ago that my family and the Avatars are related ?" she asked and he nods,"And let me think you want to know why you only can control water?" Perrie nods and sits down on a small metal stool."It's called an incomplete dominance, it happens  for example when red roses, which contain the dominate red allele, are mated with white roses, which is recessive, the offspring will be heterozygotes and will express a pink phenotype" Bruce started to explain but saw the look of confusion on Perrie's face and sighed,"Sorry that was to technical, to explain it simpler when someone has the powers of the Elements mates with someone who doesn't that gene won't transfer hundred percent correctly or doesn't transfer at all" Perrie nods understanding what Bruce is telling her,"So it could be possible for someone in future to have all four elements under-control?","Yeah, that's totally possible Perrie" he smiled,"Thanks Bruce, that cleared it all up a bit" she hugged the older man which he returns with a chuckle,"No problem Pez".

Perrie walked out the door and saw T'Challa standing at the end of the hallway,"You look like a character of a horror movie" she chuckles,"Thank you" he said with a smile,"What are you doing here?" she asked as the both walked towards her bedroom,"I promised your husband to protect you and I always keep my promises". Again she felt guilty as T'Challa did something for her which she knows he won't ask anything for in return,"T'Challa..emmm" she started but shakes her head,"Thanks you for what you are doing for me and Bucky" she hugged him tightly. T'Challa smiled down at the girl and hugged her back as tightly as well. She went into her room while T'Challa went back into the living room. She walks by her dresser where the same picture Bucky has,"She has Bucky's eyes" a voice said making Perrie jump, she turned around quickly and was meet with the girl who once had Bucky's and Steve's heart,"Anastasia!" the vampire clapped,"You are so smart, no wonder Bucky likes you " she cocked her head to the side,"Where is he anyway..oh yeah he is back in the Freezer to get all the bad stuff out of there" she walked towards Perrie slowly swaying her hips. Perrie wanted to back up but the dresser, she sucked in her breath when Anastasia stood right in front of her,"T-CHAL-","Shut up" she said looking into Perrie's eyes, she went quit the second Anastasia told her to making her eyes widen,"Surprised? You ever wondered why Steve can't remember much of me, sure Bucky's brain went into a blender a couple of times which explained why he can't 100% remembered me at the start but Steve? Come on Perrie, I know you are naturally blonde but come one" than her eyes widen in realization, she chuckles and smacks the side of her head ,"Oh wait yeah, I compulsed you to shut up, silly me. You can start talking again but don't shout for help, got it?" she asked and Perrie nods. Perrie bite her lip before answering,"You compulsed them to forget about you because of the Mitchellson's","See it wasn't that hard" she giggles and flicks her curls over her shoulder."Why are you here?" Anastasia walked around the room looking at picture of her and Bucky,"I just wanted to pay my doppelganger a visit but I thought before that I will show up to one of my blood bags rooms","Blood bags?" Perrie asked,Anastasia rolls her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose,"You where drinking from them?","Yeah, why not? I was hungry and they full of blood, I didn't kill them" she said annoyed. She walked back to Perrie and patted her cheek,"I'm sorry because of your baby" she said with a smile before speeding of.

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