Couple or not?

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It has been few weeks since Neos and Bucky kissed. Bucky asked her for couple of dates but they are still not official. Bucky wants to change that soon." Do you think I should change my name?" the brunettes asked."Why?" she shrugged,"Maybe it's better for hiding as well. Nat used my second name, Perrie,when were outside. So I think I will be going with that. What do you think Buck". Bucky scratched his chin,"I don't care, I like both of your names" he gave her a smile."I think about it" she kissed his cheek. She was about to walk away but Bucky pulled at her wrist and crashing his lips on hers. She kissed back automatically,"What was that for Buck?". Bucky stroked her cheek,"Just was in the mood doll face". Neos blushed at the nickname,"I'm going training with Nat". She left Bucky in the kitchen alone.

Bucky sat on the counter thinking on how he could asked her to be his girl. He didn't have a proper relationship with anyone in his HYDRA days. "Frosty don't hurt yourself" Tony said with a smirk. Bucky rolled his eyes,"Very funny, Stark" Tony filled his coffee cup."What are thinking about?" he took a sip out his coffee."It's none of your goddam business. I'm going asked Steve" Bucky jumped of the counter. Tony laughed,"Yeah asked Jane the virgin about your relationship problems with Neos/Perrie". Bucky turned around facing Tony,"Come on James, you two didn't make an effort to hide it mostly Steve who was jumping around like an teenage girl who got a text from her crush. Let me help you make not Blondie anymore your Princess Bride". Bucky bit his lip in thought, he was right Steve won't be as good as help with relationship problems. Tony does have great relationship with Pepper even do the beginning was hard."Okay, I let you help me". Tony patted Bucky's shoulder."You won't regret it frosty " he smirked."For you sake, you hope I won't" Bucky mumbled and followed Tony.

In the gym, Natasha was sparring with Neos,"So did you decide about your name yet" the red asked after putting Neos arm against her back."Not yet" Neos headbutts her making Nat letting of her arm."I asked Bucky and he said he doesn't care" she threw a punch but Nat locked it."Talking about Barnes. Did he asked you out already?". Neos shakes her head,"No, maybe he doesn't see it this more as a fling rather than something serious". Nat rolled her green eyes at the royal,"Bullshit. You don't see the way he looks at you. He really like you" Nat was going in for a punch but a water tentacle wrapper around her arm throwing her back."Hey"Nat said getting up,"Not fair". Neos giggled but than became serious again,"Do you really think. Bucky cares about me and it's more than a fling". Natasha nods,"hundred percent and if not I beat him up for you" she says jokingly or Neos think and hoped it was a joke. "What about we take a shower and than we can watch a movie. What do you say about it?" Natasha asked. Neos nods and smiles,"Great, see you in a while"the red head walked out of the gym towards her room. Neos walked over to the bench were her thing where. As she bends down, she becomes dizzy and the room beings to spin. "Princess" a voice says,"Princess come back" another voice says,"Princess come to us" a deeper voice said. Neos falls to the ground and she sees images she couldn't place but felt a connection. The voices came back saying the same thing all over again and the images blur her mind."Doll are you okay, Doll can you hear" Bucky's voice came through. Neos visions clears again and she can she Bucky, Natasha and T'Challa looking at her with concern."What happened?" she asked rubbing her head." FRIDAY told us you were passing out and calling out for something". Neos put her hand on her head,"What?"."It doesn't matter as long you are okay. How are you feeling" T'Challa asked helping her to get up."I'm fine..yeah I'm fine. It was probably nothing". The three others exchange looks not quite believing that she is 'fine' and that what happened was 'probably nothing' but they didn't press on it."I'm going to take a shower and than we can watch the movie. Is that okay Nat?" she asked as if nothing happened. Natasha nodded slowly,"Yeah, I showered already. I'm going to get everything ready and pick out some movies". Neos nodded and walked out the door.After she left Natasha turned to the two boys,"You tell the team about what happened. We have girls night" she walked towards the door but before she leaves she turns around,"Oh and Barnes ask her finally out. It's starts to get annoying" with that she leaves the King of Wakanda and the former assassin alone. Bucky stepped back from T'Challa bit.

"Are you a okay"Wanda asked her Russian accent full of concern. Neos nodded,"Yeah, I'm fine guys". Natasha puts a bowl of popcorn on the table next to the crisp, pizza and the drinks,"Passing out and calling out for something in a language no one here can understand is fine" she plopped down beside the two brunettes.Neos shrugged and grabbed a handful of popcorn,"Lets just watch the movie" Wanda says trying to get away from the topic. Both of the girls nod,"Okay what do we have, Godzilla, I Tonya, Gifted, Rough Night and Wonder Women" Wanda called out the movies which Nat picked out."I like wonder women what about you guys" Wanda said and the other two nodded."Wonder Women it is" she presses play and the movie began.

After going through nearly all movies. Natasha and Wanda were dead asleep towards the ending of I Tonya. Neos was of the verge of falling a sleep but didn't when Bucky's voice came from behind making her jump,"Hey doll". Neos put her hand on her heart,"Jeez, James you nearly gave me a heart attack". Bucky stroked her cheek with a smirk on his face,"Sorry doll but I need you to come with me". Neos climbed over couch and carefully jumped on the floor trying not wake the girls mostly Natasha because she hates being woken up."Were are we going?" Neos asked the tall Brunette. He takes her hand and kissed the back of it,"Don't worry doll, you will like it".

After a while of walking Bucky and Neos made it to the roof. The roof of the tower has a beautiful view if New York. There were fairy lights and flowers. Bucky pulls Neos closer to the edge."What do you think?" Bucky asked sounding nervous."I think it is perfect but why?". Bucky sighed and plays with Neos finger which where still in his hands."I wanted to ask you something", Bucky closed his eyes and takes a deep breath,"Will you be my girlfriend?". Neos was stunned but happy. She didn't answer but kissed Bucky with a lot of passion which Bucky did to."I take this as yes, Doll?". Neos nodded,"Yes and I will liked to be call Perrie". Bucky nodded,"Why, though"."Neos is unique but I think to much about me is unique. My powers, my heritage, ,my eyes, I'm a superhero and I'm dating a guy with pretty cool metal arm. I like to have an none unique name". Bucky nods understanding wanting something normal isn't wrong. He kissed her forehead and pulls her into his chest."My Perrie" he mumbles,"My Bucky"Perrie mumbles back. Both look at each other with a chuckle. Bucky pecked her lips and pulls her back into his chest. Looking at out at the distance thinking about his future with Perrie.

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