Beautiful things die

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"How much longer?" Natasha groaned fixing her scarf on her head which is protecting her red hair from the sun."3 minutes shorter from the last time you asked me" Perrie said looking at the map."Maybe we should take a small break and than we can start again" Nakia said. Everyone nodded in agreement. Perrie went over to a small stream and refilled her water bottle."You okay?" Bucky asked also refilling his bottle. "We have been walking four nearly 5 hours and still aren't even close to the entrance", she sat down on a near by rock, taking a sip from the ice cold water."If we get at least 500 miles today before setting up the tents, we might get there in tow or even one day" Bucky said taking a sip and looking at the group which consist of Steve, Natasha, T'Challa, Nakia and Okoye."They all look tired already" Perrie mumbled looking at the dusty floor."We can start walking again, if you a ready?" T'Challa said walking up to the couple. Both nodded and Bucky helped Perrie up.

The team walked through the boiling sunny desert part of Wakanda. Perrie, Natasha and even Bucky covered there heads with scarfs so there wouldn't boil. Even T'Challa, Nakia  seemed to be affected by the heat. Nakia was fanning her self with her hand and T'Challa took of his black jacket leaving him only in a light with shirt.Steve had only a white shirt an cargo pants on and drinking bottles of the cold water the got from the stream earlier. The only one who didn't seem that affected by the heat was Okoye, she walked beside T'Challa spear in hand and the same facial expression she always has.

"Okay call me a wimp but I can't walk anymore" Nakia said sitting down on a stone. The sun was slowly going down making the sky go in a warm red and yellow color."It's 6:30, lets call it for a day and start setting up the tents, what you think Pez?" Steve asked looking at his watch. Perrie nodded not being able to speak probably."It's settled than" Steve clapped his hands together. The boys start setting up the tent's will the girls looked for wood to make a fire for the night. Okoye on the other hand looked for food. They backed food but it was mostly eaten during the way.

After everything was set and the fire was burning. It was already pitch black outside the only source of light was coming from the fire. Okoye manged to get some fish by the lake near by and also refilled the bottles."What's the plan for tomorrow?"Okoye asked breaking the comfortable silents.Perrie pulled out the map from under her blanket which was draped over her and Bucky,"If keep walking with the pace of today, we might even find the entrance tomorrow at the same time" Perrie said marking were they are and looking at at her compass which she got from Shuri before leaving. Okoye nodded taking a bite of her fish."It's getting late, let's head of to bed" Steve said getting up pouring water onto the fire.

Perrie pulled the blanket up to her neck and buried her face into Bucky's chest taking in his body heat."Cold?" he asked wrapping his flesh arm around her waist. Perrie nodded and yawned. Bucky kissed er temple,"Goodnight Doll" Bucky said before falling a sleep himself

Bucky stood in a empty dark and cold room. The walls were bare and wet. He was pushed down the corridor into an familiar looking room."Willkommen zurück Soldat(welcome back soldier)" Zola's said with an smile on his face. Bucky was pushed onto the seat and strapped down. His breathing became heavier which each second. He looked around and saw the red book he hated so much."No, please don't" he said a tear falling down  his cheek  , " Longing ... Rusted ....  Furnace ...Daybreak..."a scream left Bucky's mouth, he shouts his eyes trying to think of something happy but with fail,"...Seventeen...Benign...Nine.... Homecoming....One....Freight Car" another cream let Bucky's lips as the soldier finished the words in Russian. Bucky fell silent and the strapped went of. The soldier went up to him,"Soldat?","Ready to comply" Bucky said in Russian looking up to the soldier who had a grin on his face.

Bucky knelled in a pulled of blood staring at the body in his arms which throat he cut moments before."What have I done?" Bucky asked as her trace Perrie's still warm cheek. Tears left Bucky's eyes and he cried into Perrie's chest."Tragic, she was a pretty one but all beautiful things must die one day or?" Aaron said walking behind Bucky. Bucky pulled a gun at him and shot him couple of times."Nice try James but you can't kill what's already dead."

Perrie woke when she felt Bucky stirring behind her. She turned on the lights and turned around to see her boyfriend with tears in his face stirring in his sleep. Perrie put her hand on his arm and gently shakes his,"Bucky" she whispers in his ear softly. When he didn't wake up she shakes him a bit harder and whispers louder,"Bucky". Bucky jolted awake making Perrie fall back a bit. He looked at her and more tears were falling from his beautiful blue eyes. He pulls her into his arms without saying anything and cried into her shoulder. It's has been a while since Bucky had a nightmare and he nearly forgot how they felt."They made me...HYDRA made me kill were dead" Bucky said between sobs. Perrie stroked his hair and kissed his cheek."I'm here, see" she grabbed Bucky's flesh hand and placed it on top of her beating heart."You fell that. It's still beating and it's beating for you Bucky and only you". Bucky looked at his hand who was placed directly above her breast. He looked at her and saw the same look in her eyes he has. Bucky cupped her head and crashed his lips onto hers. Bucky slips of her shirt and his and gently pushes her onto the floor. 

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