Little help

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"A curse?" Bucky asked, Mira nodded,"A dangerous one, it is called the needle if sorrows, I saw it my vision","The needle of sorrows?" Natasha asked folding here arms. Mira nodded,"The Needle of Sorrows is a dark object which was cursed in the 19th century by a unknown witch. By appearance, it resembles a large, golden steampunk-style needle. The Needle was imbued with Dark Magic in 1860-","Just get to the point, we don't need a history lesson, what does it do?" Bucky asked getting mad. Mira shot him a look but than continued,"It raises the blood of a temperature of pregnant women.....which causes her to have a miscarriage". All the faces fell in the room,"Who..Neros" Bucky growled,"Can you solve it?" T'Challa asked trying to sound calm even do he was angry just as Bucky. Mira nodded,"I do but I need a second witch, obviously there used a linking spell between you and non pregnant women because the needle needs to be injected. First I need your blood because the person and you share a link which was made from blood, that's how I can find the person and unlinke both of you" she put's down her backpack. Bruce takes a bit of Perrie's blood and hands it to Mira who took out a rope which was knotted together. She dropped the blood on the knot and whispered something silently. The blood sips into the knot leaving no trace behind it."Okay, the knot is done but I need the other witch and some ingredients, so long I don't have them make sure she is always cool. I will be back with the ingredients and a different witch-","We could ask Gia" Mira shakes her head,"I know someone, who will be better. Make sure she stays cool", Mira than picked up her backpack and left the room.

"I will get some water" Steve said,everyone nods. Steve walks into the kitchen, grabs a large bowl and opens the tap for the cold water and nothing came out,"Seriously Stark, a billionaire but doesn't bother to fix his plumbing". Steve grabs the bowl and heads of side where Ivy and Pepper where living with Tony if he wasn't working in the lab. Steve walks into the kitchen and tries the tap,"Bingo" he holds the bowl under the tab and fills it up. He than put's it onto the counter and opens the freezer door to get some ice to make it colder. When her closes the door and stood up he was faced with Ivy,"Hey Ivy" Steve said to the young Stark,"Hey" she said back her voice more deeper. Steve got out a knife to cut open the bag,"How is it between you and Peter?", she shrugs,"Okay, I guess, what are you doing here anyway don't you have you're own kitchen?" Ivy asked. Steve chuckles,"The tab doesn't work and Perrie needs some cold water, she is sick and it can't be good for the baby". Ivy furrowed her brows,"Baby?". Steve nods and smiles,"Yeah, Pez is pregnant". Steve finally opens the bag and puts the knife beside him,"Can I help with anything?" Steve asked as Ivy just stood there deep in thought."No" Ivy grabbed the knife and jammed into Steve's hand. A loud gasp left Steve's mouth as he looks down at his impaled hand. The brunette pulls the knife out and pushed Steve against the counter. Steve furrows his brows,"Anastasia?" he asked . A smile spread onto the girls cheeks,"Hello Steve, Goodbye Steve, greet Peggy and Stark for me" she said her face turning into a vampire face with dark veins coming from under her eyes, her eyes turning a deep shade of red and her teeth turned into fangs. She than stabbed the knife into Steve's stomach and than dropping him and speeding away.

Soon Steve heard the elevator door open and soon after that Ivy and Samuel came in,"Steve" Ivy shouted and ran towards Steve who was holding his stomach. Ivy threw her phone towards Samuel and told him to call an ambulance. Behind both of them Steve saw Anastasia but with a second she vanished. Samuel told him the ambulance is on there way and than pushed Ivy to the side and tried to stop the bleeding. Steve than saw Anastasia again and what all his strength he said,"Behind you". Ivy quickly turned around but Anastasia was gone and Ivy quickly picked a cloth and wrapped it around the knifes handle and grabbed it before running off.

After a while the paramedics arrived and brought Steve to the hospital. Ivy told Samuel to bring the knife to Bruce in hopes to find finger prints while she cleans away the blood. "About time Steve-" Sam Wilson started but stopped when he looked at his name buddy with a bloody knife in his hand."Steve is at the hospital" he said. Everybody looked at him like he had three heads,"What do you mean he is at the hospital?"Bucky asked,"Ivy and I found him in a poodle of his own blood with a stab wound, he was stabbed with this knife" he puts the knife on the table."Maybe you find finger prints on them" he than left the room. Bucky collapsed onto the floor. First his baby is but into a life threatening situation and now his Best Friend is in the hospital. Bucky feels a hand on his shoulder,"Go to the hospital" Perrie said stroking his cheek. Bucky shakes his head and kisses her hand,"No, I'm staying with you" Perrie was about to open her mouth but was stopped by Natasha,"Bucky is right, I will go and check on Steve". The red head left the room quickly afterwards.

It's been an hour already and Bucky started to lose that Mira will not show up again but than the door opens and the teen enters with a familiar looking girl. Bucky looked at the dark haired girl beside Mira trying to figure out where he saw her before. Than he remembers,"Kai?". The Latina nods slowly,"Do you know me?","Oh, you are that Latina from Westerbridge, who severed us at the cafe" Tony said rolling towards her on his chair. Kai seems to remember,"Yeah","So you are a witch" Sam asked. Kai bits her lower lip,"We can say that","Sorry, I would love to keep this conversation going but please safe my baby"Bucky said. Mira nods and puts her backpack on the table and opening it and bringing things out. There was a silver cup with interesting designs,a bronze bowls,dried herbs , the knot from earlier and an very old looking book. "Do you have a pool?" Kai asked.

It's already dark outside,"But her near the pool" Mira said to Bucky. He gently laid her down where Mira said to put her. Sam helped carrying some of the bowls with T'Challa who was holding the herbs while Kai was carrying the knot and Mira the old book."Thank you" they said in union gaining a smile from the two men. Mira and Kai started mixing the ingredients together. Mira dips her finger into the bowl and puts into onto the knot. Kai mixed the rest with some water and puts it into the silver cup and walks towards Perrie."Drink this" Perrie grabs the cup and smells it. It smelled quit sweet,"It doesn't harm the baby?" she asked Kai who shakes her head. Perrie than gulps down the drink,"Put her into the water" Mira said. Bucky jumped fully clothed into the pool and than gently grabs Perrie and puts her in as well. Kai takes a sip of one of the bowls and than gets into the pool as well near Perrie. Mira mean opend the old book and picked up the knot and holds it between her hands she closes her eyes and whispers"Nemo unus animabus carnem et sanguinem de ista duo. Sanquinatum venetus barkael meh". T'Challa peaked over her shoulder and saw what is written in the book. It was fully in Latin.

Perrie started to breath heavier,"Bucky, I can't breath" she puts her hand on her throat,"Doll, just breath, in and out. Lay down, I got you don't worry just relax". Perrie looked at Bucky and slowly lays back while Bucky is holding on to her. Kai started to whisper the same thing as Mira. Perrie let's out a cry while clutching her belly.Mira was now holding the knot by the side and it starts to levitate and to unknotting  itself. Mira and Kai open there eyes, Kai turns around and sees the knot levitating. She smiles at Mira who smiles back. The knot now just a long rope and Perrie stopped clutching her belly."Did it work?" Sam asked,"Yeah it did". Bucky puts Perrie and puts his flesh hand on her forehead. Normal temperature. Bucky sighed and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you" Perrie said to the girls who where packing up,"No bother Perrie","I can't take you guys enough, you saved my baby" Bucky said. Mira and Kai smile at him and shrug," How we said no bother". Mira and Kai finished backing up and where about to leave but Mira turned around,"Oh and Happy 20th Birthday  Perrie for tomorrow". She than left.

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