The Place from the dreams

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Perrie was the first to go inside followed quickly by Bucky, Steve,Natasha, Nakia and T'Challa,"So we are just walking in?, did no one in this group saw a horror movie?" Okoye mumble following the rest in shaking her head

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Perrie was the first to go inside followed quickly by Bucky, Steve,Natasha, Nakia and T'Challa,"So we are just walking in?, did no one in this group saw a horror movie?" Okoye mumble following the rest in shaking her head. Everyone looked around with there mouths wide open,"It's so beautiful" Nakia and Natasha say at the same time. It was huge, giant statues which were cover with vines where standing in a circle all around the area, the giant tree was even bigger in person than in her dreams. The top of the tree nearly filled the whole roof, the leaves were a bright green color. The waterfall behind it nearly glowed and filled the place with the sound of splashing water. There was a sun shinning onto the tree but Perrie can't find where the sun is coming from. The ground was a deep dark color which also seemed to glow. The wall surrounding the group was filled with carvings similar to the one on the door."It's exactly like in my dream" Perrie said walking towards one statue and looked at the symbol carved into the middle. It was a flame, she looked up at the person who was standing on top. He was quite old had a long beard and his bald head was covered with a hat."Who is that?" Steve said coming towards her. Perrie shrugged,"Don't know but from the symbol he must belong to the fire family". Nakia walked towards the middle where the tree was standing and reached out her hand,"Nakia, be careful" T'Challa said moving forward. Nakia looked at him and than focused on the tree again."How can a tree be so beautiful in a place underground" she said touching the trunk of the tree."It feels like it is alive"she said taking T'Challa hand and putting it on the tree. T'Challa slowly moved his hands up and down the tree, feeling the energy coming from it,"You'r right it does feel like it is alive". The rest of the group moved towards them and followed there lead and touched the tree feeling the energy."How can it grow like that with only that bit of light" Steve asked taking his hands of it."I don't know but where the light comes from up there and in my dream the temple was up there" Perrie said pointing upwards. They all nod and start looking for a place to start climbing.

When everyone was up, there start admiring the top. The temple from her dreams wasn't far from them, the same light which was on the tree was shinning on the temple, near that was another water fall which turned into a river which flows over the cliff creating the giant waterfall, cherry trees where surrounding it.Perrie walked to one of the cherry trees and picked a pair of the tree,"Pez be careful, they can be poisons" Bucky said walking over to her with the rest."Guys, there amazing you have to try some. I never ate cherries like these before and I got only the best of the best, when I grew up" she said handing her one to Bucky while the others pick some of the tree."Wow, your right. I never tasted something so sweet and good before" Okoye and Nakia say. Natasha picked more of the tree,"I think I'm going to stay here guys, everything is so good here" Natasha said putting the cherry into her mouth."Okay, I think we had enough, let's go into the temple" Steve said dragging Natasha away from the cherry trees.

Perrie moved forward and put her necklace like before into the missing piece of the door and like before it opened with a loud noise filling the grotto. Inside there where more statues but in better condition as the ones under them."Those must be the Avatars" Natasha said from beside Perrie. The temple had a huge corridor where the statues line up and go down that corridor. The light from  the outside shone through the windows giving a warm and welcoming felling into the temple.Perrie didn't move, she just stood there while everybody else looked around but she just couldn't. Perrie than  felt a metal hand on the small of her back ,"Go ahead doll face, don't be scared, I'm right beside you" Bucky said softly and giving her a small smile. Perrie took his hand in hers and together they walked down the corridor.
Down the corridor there was a huge hall with three chairs, the middle chair was the biggest it was carved out our expensive looking wood with great detail on it. The two chairs beside it where a bit smaller but was made out of the same wood but had different carvings on them."This must have been the throne room" T'Challa said his deep voice echoing through the empty hall."Yeah, it must be" Perrie mumbled,"Guys, I think you want to see this" Natasha voice came echoing from an empty room near by.

They all walked towards the source of her voice, Natasha was standing by a stone staircase which leads downwards."What is it Nat?" Steve asked. Natasha didn't say anything but walked down the stairs with the rest following quickly behind."Nata....." Perrie started but stopped when she saw was in front of her. Dead mummified bodies were scattered on the floor."What is this?" Nakia asked.Perrie felt sick to her stomach and a wave of sadness came over her. Screams echoed in her mind."Perrie Doll are you okay, you went pale?" Bucky asked touching her arm."Down with the Alams, down with the Avatars","Run my love, run save the our child bring him far from here" . More screams filled her head making Perrie collapse onto her knees. T'Challa and Bucky kneel down beside her, while the rest look at her full of worry."Perrie, what did you see?" T'Challa asked gently. Perrie looked at him,"These people..the avatars were my ancestors, a baby and a women were the only survivors...but how can I only have one? If those people were my" Perrie looked at T'Challa, while Bucky gently strokes her hair,"I don't know, little queen. I don't know".

The Winters PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora