Hello Soldier

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Perrie's scream filled the large room, she was on a cold metal table strapped down while the doctor she slashed was between her legs 'helping' her give birth. Even though she didn't want to give birth here in a HYDRA base but she doesn't have a choice."Keep pushing" he said making Perrie scream out in pain.

Bucky, Mira and Natasha where running through the base, looking through every room and killing every HYDRA agent crossing there path. Mira gasped and stumbled back a bit making the two Avengers look back,"Mira?" Bucky asked grabbing her arm preventing her form falling,"Are you okay?" Natasha asked but quickly stepped away seeing that her eyes where pitch black before returning to there normal color."I know where she is, she is in a room full of soldiers and a doctor. She is in pain" Mira said,"It must be a medical room, there mostly the safest places in the base" Bucky said and was about to run but Mira stopped him with her powers,"WHAT THE HELL" he yelled but was shushed by Natasha,"You shouldn't go with us. In my vision I saw a red book with a star and someone calling you soldier" she said. Bucky stumbled back a bit,"It's the book which turns me into The Winter Soldier" he said,"Mira is right go back to the jet, we get Perrie" Natasha said and Bucky hesitantly nodded.

"I see a head, keep pushing" the doctor said with a smile,"Our new member is arriving" he said. A tear escaped Perrie's eyes,"Bucky" she whispered. Suddenly the cries of an infant filled the room. Perrie lifted her head with all the strength she has seeing her little girl. She was tiny, covered in blood and screaming her little lungs off."You make a great soldier little one" the doctor said,"Look Ms Barnes, isn't she beautiful she looks exactly like you" he said. Suddenly the door swings open,"Barnes and the Avengers are here" the agent said. The Doctor nods,"Bring General Smyth and finish the plan" he said and the agent nods and lefts."Three of you follow, two stay" he said and they follow. Perrie was still strapped down on the table, desperately wanting to hold her child but the doctor didn't even budge a muscle. She stopped crying and now was sucking her small fist and looking around the room. The door swings open again showing General Smyth in all his glory, his eyes widen at the sight of the baby,"She really is a spitting image of you Fräulein" he said stroking the baby's cheek,"You" he pointed towards a female soldier,"Bring the baby to the rest and than help with the Avengers"he said and she nodded gently taking the infant and walking out the room. Perrie's gaze followed her as she left with her child. She focused on her some much she didn't even notice the Doctor pulling a syringe on her.

Bucky was about to leave when he heard an infant cry, Bucky freezes and turns around seeing a soldier walking with an infant in her arms. He was about to move when he felt a gun against his back."Hello Soldier" the soldier said,"I have some bad news for you. Your pretty wife, she unfortunately didn't survive labor....neither did the baby"Bucky eyes widen and his blood froze,"The bay earlier, it isn't yours...it was a different woman's". Bucky clenched his fist trying to fight the tears,"Your lying" he said turning around facing the agent. He was an ugly one, he had a twisted nose, large white scares covering half his face, his left eye white and his teeth where crooked and broken."Follow me and I prove to you she is" he walked backwards seeing if Bucky follows him. Even though he didn't trust him, he wanted to be sure, he wanted to sure he is telling the truth about his wife and child, so he follow.

Perrie is still on the table, not moving not even a little bit. Bucky arrived before Natasha or Mira,"We took a short cut" the ugly soldier replied. Bucky however didn't reply but just looked at the table where his sunshine and his heart was. Bucky took her tiny hand in his large flesh hand, she was a bit cold but there was still somebody heat there. He puts his head on her chest trying to hear a heart bit, there was none."Please, come back to me" Bucky said tears streaming down his face. The soldier smirked and pulled out the red book,"Longing" Bucky's eyes widen and her looked back at the soldier who was smirking,"Rusted" he said making Bucky drop to the floor,"Furnace","Daybreak","Seventeen" she moved closer to Bucky crouching in front of him,"Bengin" Buck looked at the soldier with pure anger and reached for him but he moved quickly,"Nine","Homecoming","One" Bucky was now breathing heavily and grunting," Freight Car" the second the words left his mouth Bucky stopped screaming, all the love and life was sucked out of him, leaving only a shell of what he was just few seconds ago,"Soldier?" the agent said in Russian. Bucky got up and looked at him,"Ready to comply","Kill her" he said nodding towards Perrie who was slowly waking up from what ever drugs she has been given. She looked around and smiled when she saw Bucky but it quickly vanished seeing his facial expression. The soldier hands him a knife and Bucky makes his way over to Perrie, there was no love for he in his eyes, there where just empty. Bucky ripped the restrains of her and yanked her up by her neck,"Bucky it's me, Perrie" she said in hope to get her Bucky back. Bucky cocks his head to the side a bit, the name sounds familiar,"Kill her" the soldier hollowed at him. Bucky nods and lifts the knife to her neck. He holds it so tight it started to draw blood, suddenly the knife was shot out his hand and a black smoke covers Bucky's metal arm making him let go off Perrie and than he was thrown across the room. Perrie looked towards the door and saw that the agent giving Bucky the order to kill her was dead.

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