Cockblock Tony

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Bucky stood in the corner with his arms across his chest in annoyance at Tony for interrupting his and Neos moment(and now he is a salty bab). It doesn't help that Tony was doing the measurements for Neos' costume, he wanted to be the one to do it. He growled quietly to himself as Tony took the measurements for the bust of her costume. Once the measurements were done and Tony was gone to give the person making the costume the measurements, Bucky went up behind Neos and hugged her from behind resting his head on hers thanks to the height difference. Neos blushes and leans into the hug, closing her eyes and smiling. That made Bucky happy and he tickles her sides, earning a squeal of laughter. She wriggled away from the tickles and she noticed a glass of soda nearby so she used her power to splash him. Soon a chase full of giggles broke out around the base. Once Bucky caught up with Neos he laughed "gotcha!" And she replied with a small peck on the cheek, resulting in a blush from the winter soldier. "You look cute when you blush, James." Neos giggled softly. That made his blush darken. "I'm not cute." He pouted. At that moment, Steve walked in, "you are both cute. Especially when together." Then he walked off, squealing about his little Bucky finally growing up, resulting in agents of shield giving him a weird look. Neos just laughed at the squealing that slowly got more distant.

Neos was trying out her new costume for the first time, and it fit like a glove. She grinned and twirled around in it, testing the range of motion the garments allow. She walked over to Bucky "how does it look? It doesn't make me look like I'm wearing a potato sack, does it?" Bucky just chuckles at the young woman's little freak out. "You could make a potato sack look perfect." That statement made Neos blush. "Really?" Bucky nodded with a cheesy grin. Tony noticed their conversion and smirked "oi, love birds! Get a fricking room!" In the distance all one could hear was Steve "TONY! WATCH YOUR MOTHER CRACKING LANGUAGE! AND DON'T RUIN MY OTP!" That resulted in laughter through out the entire base and Tony, Neos and Bucky's faces were bright red. Tony was the first to recover from the embarrassment of having an old man give out to him for the word 'fricking' and looked at Neos "Neos, you'll have to wear these when you go out in public so you're harder to identify." he hands her green contact lenses.Neos nodded,"It would be for the best, seeing what happened last time" she said walking over to the mirror and putting in the lenses.Neos walked back to the two brunettes,"How do they feel?"Bucky asked,"Have to get used to them", she said.

'Arad Alma

The twins Kane and Kol walked towards Nero's office, telling him what they saw. Kane stood a front the giant wooden doors and knocked,"Come in" Nero's raspy voice came through. Kane and Kol walked in, seeing Nero's sitting at his desk playing with a dagger,"Oh my beloved cousins, hope you have good news for me, on my other beloved cousin" he said still twirling around the dagger,"Emm..depends how you define these news, Nero's"Kol said rubbing his head nervously,he shared a look with his brother,"Neos discovered her powers" Kane said. Nero's looked up,"What did you just say?", hes stood up with dagger in hand,"She discovered her powers and she seems good with them",Kol said trying not to sound scared.Nero's chuckled,"It was only a matter of time", he walked over to Kane and cupped the back of his neck,"You will keep watching her and tell me every little thing what happened in her life. Understood"Kane nodded. Nero's let go of his head. The twins quickly left, leaving Nero's alone,"Neos you are always open for surprise's"

Avenger Tower

Neos and Bucky were talking a walk outside the base,"James about earlier today", Bucky sighed,"What about it Neos?". Neos stopped in her tracks,"You were about to kiss me",Bucky looked down at his feet,"It was stupid",he played with his fingers,Neos lifted Bucky chin, so he will look at her,"I didn't think so"Neos moved towards Bucky, there lips were inches apart when a voice came through Bucky's earpiece,"Seriously"Bucky mumbled and Neos shut her eyes in annoyance,"What is it?"Bucky growled into the earpiece,"A hostage situation Romeo, I send you the location" Tony said. Neos lifted an eyebrow,"Hostage situation, time to try out the new suit" Bucky said.Both of them made there way towards the location giving by Tony.

The suit was amazing, it was very comfortable to fight in and it fit her powers.Neos mixed using her powers and her fighting skills together.Neos shot a water spiral against 3 thugs making them crash into a wall knocking them out. A thug grabbed Neos from behind wrapping his arms around her arms and waist."Got you sweetheart"he said into her ear,"Maybe I should take you with me and we can some fun,"his hold became stronger,"I rather pass" she said trying to free herself from her grip, her hands behind her back pressed to his chest, making it impossible to use her powers. Bucky shot to thugs down and looked around to see Neos in the thugs grip.Bucky felt disgusted how the thug his holding Neos. He walked over to them hitting the guy in head with back of his gun, the thug let go of Neos and growled at Bucky.Before he could do something Neos kicked in the head with a chair.Neos dropped the chair and walked towards the hostages, freeing them.After the police took in the thugs, at least the once's who weren't shot by Bucky, Neos walked towards Bucky."Neos are you o..."he was cut of by Neos grabbing his shirt and smashing her lips onto his. Bucky cupped the back of her head pulling her closer. The kiss was a mix of passion , need and a bit of danger.Neos and Bucky pulled back for the need of oxygen.Bucky hand moved towards Neos cheek, softly stroking it,"Before we get interrupted again by Tony"she chuckled, Bucky let out a laugh.In the back we can hear sniffling, Steve was fake crying wiping a fake tear out his eyes,"My OTP" he said,"Fuck of will you Steven"Bucky said,Neos laughed,"What your language Buck" he said pointing his finger in a joking manner towards his best friend.

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