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In the Last Lab(not exact convo)
"Hello,boys did you miss me?" Anastasia said walking towards Steve and Bucky.

Steve fixed his suit trying to get his head free, first he finds out he has a daughter and than his ex shows up

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Steve fixed his suit trying to get his head free, first he finds out he has a daughter and than his ex shows up."Steve, how are you feeling?"Natasha asked helping Steve to fix his tie and patting his chest. Her red hair was pulled back loosely and a flower was put into it. The red dress she wore looked beautiful on her and showed of her curves perfect, she was a bit taller than usual as she wore matching heels." Can I be honest with you?"Natasha looks at him with her big green eyes and nodded,"I know I should be happy about Bucky getting married but I can't get Malia out of my head and neither Anastasia". He sighed and sat down, Natasha bit her lip and sat down beside him," I understand, I would be to if I met my ex who also slept with my best friend and a different friend after there death", Natasha looks at him again," Who is Malia?". Steve rubs his chin," My Daughter who is in HYDRA'S hands". Natasha didn't say anything because she didn't know what to say. There was a knock on the door and Wanda pokes her head in," Perrie needs help with her dress"Natasha nods and kissed Steve on the cheek," Forget it about everything, it's Bucky and Perrie's wedding. Don't ruin it by mopping around" she whispered in his ear and left.

Natasha zips up Perrie's wedding dress which looks stunning on her hugging her perfectly and showing of her bump." Blue flowers in the hair, something new which is the dress, something borrowed the shoes and-" Natasha looks around for something  and her eyes widen seeing the Veil," and something old" she hands Wanda the Veil and she puts in Perrie's hair." Oh you look stunning" Pepper said. The girls grab there flowers and Natasha hands Perrie her one. A knock soon came and Perrie his behind a wall just in case it's Bucky who was trying to see her the whole day." Who is it" Wanda asked having her hand on the handle," The person who will bring the bride down the aisle and some groomsmen" T'Challa thick accent said with a chuckle. Wanda opens the door showing T'Challa, Steve, Tony and Sam," Good timing we are done boys" Perrie said stepping into view. The guys smiled up at her," Pez you look gorgeous" Steve said, Sam and Tony nod in agreement," You three look good too" Tony adds looking at the three girls, Pepper smiled and took Tony's arm, followed by Wanda and Sam, Steve and Natasha and than Perrie and T'Challa," Thank you for walking me down the aisle, you helped me so much after my Moms death" she looked into T'Challa's chocolate brown eyes, he smiled down at her and kissed her temple," It's an honor and how Mr Rogers said you look gorgeous. Mr Barnes is a very lucky guy".

Meanwhile Bucky is a nervous wreck, he is pacing around the alter going over his vows." Bucky stop pacing around like mad person" Clint said with a chuckle," I bet you where as nervous at your own wedding as I am at the moment" Bucky said a bit harsh looking down at Clint . Clint brushes it off  not giving it a second thought," I was but if I was you don't read from the card. Let it come from your heart" Clint took the page from Bucky and rips it and than puts it in his jacket pocket.Bucky growled at him a bit but Clint had a small smile on his lips," Good luck Barnes" he than made his way back to Laura and his kids. Bucky was about to do something when the music started and door opens and Steve and Natasha walked down.

Perrie took a breath," Pleas don't let me fall" she said grabbing T'Challa's arm hard making him wince a bit," Do not worry Perrie. I won't even think about it". The groomsmen and bridesmaid soon left leaving Perrie and T' Challa," Ready?"," As I ever be".

Bucky bit his lip waiting for Perrie, Steve was standing next to him squeezing his shoulder," I hope you mess up" Sam whispers into his ear as he passed him standing behind Steve.Steve nudged him a bit and Bucky just rolled his eyes. Bucky waited impatiently for Tony and Pepper to walk down. The bridal music started making Bucky smile, first he saw T'Challa and than Perrie. He was stunned on how gorgeous she looked, Perrie smiled at him making his heart flutter. Her dress hugged the bump perfectly," Wow" Bucky whispers and felt a tear roll down his cheek into his stubble. He rubbed his face and looked at Perrie, he couldn't look away, she captivated him so much.

Perrie saw a tear fall down Bucky's cheek she looked down at her feet trying not to cry. She closed her eyes and opens them again to see Bucky rubbing his face. Soon she stood near the alter with Bucky holding his hand out. She looked at T'Challa and he kissed her cheek before handing her over to Bucky," Words can't describe of beautiful you look Doll" Bucky whispers.

Soon it came to the vows which Bucky dreaded," Now we have to vows which the groom and the bride wrote themselves" the priest said. Bucky looks at Clint who gave him thumbs up,"Mr Barnes". Bucky sighs and looks Perrie into the eyes, she isn't wearing the contact, showing off her unique eyes which he loves so much. Bucky grabs her hand gently," I always thought and still think, that I don't deserve a happy ending. Not with what I have done during my HYDRA days. When Fury told us about the engagement dinner..I actually didn't want to go but I'm so glad Steve annoyed me into it" a few chuckles went through the room including Perrie's angelic one," I promised you mother to protect you but I never thought I will fall for you or you for me. I just thought you where or more I still think you are to good for me. You are so innocent and pure, you are everything that I'm not. You giving me so much a child" he rubs her bump gently with his human hand. Something I thought I never have or deserve. I love you so much, I love you with every piece of me. I promise you to love you  forever, even after we died" he took slight pause," Thank you for bringing my sunshine into my darkness, thanks for fighting of the nightmares, thank you for accepting my past, thank you for accepting my flaws, thank you for loving a monster like me. Thank you for everything Doll. I promise I will let nothing bad happen to you. I won't let anything or anybody take you away from me, time brought your heart away and I won't let it go. Never" couple of tears escaped Perrie's eyes when Bucky finished.

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