Back in her arms

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Perrie is pacing around the jet as they where about to land in Wakanda, it was only her and Steve at the moment as to many people won't be good for Bucky's mental health."Happy?"Steve asked walking beside her,"Yes it's been two months since I saw him" she said happily making Steve smile,"We are landing by the way" he said before making his way to the pilot seat.

A couple minutes later the landed in Wakanda and where welcomed by T'Challa and The Dora Milaje and Shuri by his side,"T'Challa" Perrie said hugging the man who basically became a father figure to her,"It's good to see you back in Wakanda your Highness" Okoye said bowing,"Call me Perrie please" she said and Okoye nods,"Your husband is about to wake up" Shuri said leading the two Avengers into the lab where Bucky was still frozen in. Perrie looked at his state he was still asleep but it didn't seem peaceful,"Wake him up" T'Challa ordered making the people in the lab.

After 10 minutes everything was done and Bucky was seconds from waking up,"Stand in front of him"Steve said nudging he softly. Perrie made her way towards Bucky, she saw his eyes move from behind his eyelids, his muscles where twitching and his fingers started to move slowly."Buck" she said touching his hand feeling the cold from his flesh hand,"It's me Perrie" she said but started to smile when she felt Buck's hand wrap around her smaller ones,"Hello Doll" he said his voice raspy. Perrie moved a bit so he could step out and the second he did his arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer to his body,"I missed you so much Doll" he said into her hair which was now up to her shoulders and blonde again,"I missed you too Buck, so much" she kissed his cheek."Bucky?" Steve said softly hating to interrupt the moment between his best friend and his wife but he just wanted to hug him as well,"Steve" he said happily embracing his friend in a hug as well,"How your feeling?" he asked,"Better way better" he said taking Perrie's hand and kissing her knuckles,"Barnes we thought it was better for you stay here until you are fully recovered and it's also safer here bring your child as well" T'Challa said making Bucky nod,"Thank you, I can't thank you enough" he said,"No bother".

T'Challa lead the couple to their room where they be living in now. It reminded Perrie of Arad Alma with the silk sheets, the large poster bed and the balcony view over Wakanda. Perrie felt Bucky's metal hand snake around her waist pulling her into his chest,"We're finally back together Doll" he started to kiss he neck making her moan. He flipped her around and picked her up and threw her on the bed,"We never had a honeymoon" he said ripping of Perrie's shirt,"No we didn't" she said following Bucky's lead ripping his white tank top off. Bucky kissed down Perrie's neck until her collarbone before fully stripping,"I love you" he said,"I love you to" she said kissing him harder.

Perrie giggled as Bucky kissed every inch of her bare skin,"Buck it tickles" she said as his beard ghosted her neck,"Sorry Doll" he said pulling the red silk sheets over their naked bodies,"I missed this" she said putting her head on his chest,"I did too...talking about missing things, Eva how is she?" Bucky asked,"Nat said she is amazing and every time we face time she proves it, she is still tiny according to Nat" Perrie kissed Bucky's toned chest while he smiled happily knowing she doing great.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard followed by screams,"What's going on?" Bucky lifted a brow,"Nothing good" Perrie jumped from the bed to her duffel bag and took out her costume and puts it on,"Doll your not going alone" Bucky said getting up,"Fine but don't get your self killed" she said throwing a pair of denim jeans and a red shirt with boots at him.

"Steve, T'Challa whats going on?" Perrie said while running,"We are under attack" T'Challa said pointing towards the force field where bombs are getting thrown at directly above the palace,"Get every one out that's Arad Alma's planes which means Neros" she spat. T'Challa looked at her and than to Steve and Bucky who both nod and shrug,"Okay" he said and her gave the orders.

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