The Real

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Bucky traced Perrie's bare back with his metal hand, he leaned forward and kissed her left shoulder blade."Thank you for that, I enjoyed so much" Perrie smiled at him and put's on her clothe again."I enjoyed it as well Bucks. Even though it was hard to keep quite at times" Bucky smirked at kissed her still exposed collarbone. Perrie threw on her shirt,"Get dressed and take down the tent, we half still a long way to go". Perrie crawled out of the tent leaving Bucky alone. Bucky grabbed his clothes and quickly got changed and went outside to take down the tent.

After everyone finished they start walking again. The sun was boiling on there heads more than yesterday."How long have been walking already?" Perrie asked Steve. The blonde looks at his watched and groaned,"two and half, let take a small break". Everyone sat down and chatted, everyone except Perrie she was standing on a giant rock looking at her map and to the dusty fields before her, studying very thing she sees."I know you want to find out more but you still are human and humans need a break as well" T'Challa stood beside her gently taking the map of her hands and putting it into his back pant pocket and took her by the hand walking her to the group. Before they could reach the group  a spear landed near Perrie's head,"Were getting attacked" T'Challa shouted towards the group but it was to late. The group was already battling with people dressed in animal skin and  bones. Perrie pulled out the spear and start attacking the person who threw it at her. Perrie kicked the guy in the guts and sliced his cheek with the spear. He groaned and stumbled, he grabbed the spear by the end and pulled harshly ripping it out of Perrie's hands. He swiped behind her legs trying to make her fall over, Perrie back flipped over the spear and threw a knife at him which she kept in her boot. The knife landed in his shoulder."T'Challa who are these people?" Natasha asked while wrapping her thighs around ones neck and repeatably elbowing him in the head."Banished people" T'Challa said punching one in the stomach while flipping another one over his shoulder onto the the one he punched. Perrie looked around for some kind of a water source but nothing. Perrie was so lost in thought she didn't notice someone sneaking up behind her with a knife until a groan and a loud thud was heard from behind her. Perrie turned around and saw Bucky holding a bloodied spear towering over a mans corps. Bucky dropped the spear and looked at Perrie,"You shouldn't be distracted in a fight, you could have been killed Doll" Bucky said half angry but half scared. Perrie looked at the corps and back at Bucky and sighed,"Yeah, I know, sorry Bucky, it won't happen again" Bucky nodded and looked around."Is everyone okay?" Bucky asked,"Yeah, looks like the rest ran off after they saw there friend getting speared by Bucky" Steve said dusting himself off. T'Challa reached behind his back,"Oh no" he said rubbing his head,"Those..." he mumbles. Perrie looks at him,"What's wrong?" ,T'Challa gave her an look,"They took the map, one of them must have took it while I fought". Everyone has a look disbelieve on there face,"What are we going to do? Are we going back?" Nakia asked looking between her king and Perrie. Perrie shakes her head,"No, we keep going. If I remember correctly it's this way" she said pointing North-West. Everyone looked at Steve, who nodded in agreement,"We came to far and I trust Perrie. Let's keep heading this way".

The group walked North-West hoping they find something."Okay, we have walked...." Natasha grabbed Steve's arm to see the time,"three hours with no luck, ....." Natasha said walking around"..maybe we should go back and hope Shuri has another map, sorry Pez..."Natasha feel into what it looks like an entrance."Nat, are you okay" Steve asked concerned.Natasha coughed and looked around,"Yeah, fine just my pride is hurt but nothing more" she said getting up dusting her self off."Nat, what do you see?" Perrie asked moving closer but not too close that she also falls in."Nothing much but wait. Can you throw we one of the matches "Bucky grabbed into his pocket and threw the match box towards Natasha. Natasha barley catches and lights one fire making it bit lighter."Omg, guys, I think you like to see this mostly you Perrie". Everyone exchanged looks and took turns to jump in. Perrie was last. Bucky catches her before she could hit the floor,"Nice catch" Perrie said smiling up at him which he returned. They light more matches so they can see better through the darkness."This place, it feels familiar" Perrie said walking ahead. She stops at a carved wall and reaches her hands out tracing the symbols,"What do they mean?" Steve asked looking at the brunette girl. Perrie didn't answer, she looked like was in some kind of trance and kept tracing the carvings."Perrie, you okay?" Nakia asked putting her hand on her shoulder snapping Perrie out of her trance."Sorry.what?" she said looking around."Do you know what does symbols mean?" Steve asked again. Perrie looked at them again but saw a circle hole missing in the was the whole. Perrie took out her necklace and saw that the shape fits so did the carving. She looked at Bucky who moved closer as she puts in the disc into the missing part on the wall. A loud creaking sounds heard and dust came from the wall making everyone back away quickly. Perrie took out her necklace and backed away as well. The wall turns into a door opening slowly reviling the place she dreamed of."Omg" is the only thing which left her lips.   

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