Lorenzo looked at me with a serious face and blood splattered across his face, "Go deal with Richard, I got this!"

I hesitated, but nonetheless, I listened to the expert assassin and decided to run after Richard who was just inches away from the exit. I pounced on top of him, but to my dismay, he saw me coming and pushed me off of him with full force. I was sent flying backward, airborne. I landed on top of a table, crushing it in two pieces and it knocked the breath out of me. Richard pointed a gun at me and pulled the trigger, but after spending all of my free time training with Lorenzo? I was not about to let those skills go to waste and die at the hands of a puny pistol. Especially if the owner of that pistol was Richard Salvatore. I would not avenge Xavier by dying at the hands of the man that made our lives hell.

I quickly rolled out of the way and charged at him, knocking him on his ass, but before I could push my gun into his throat and pull the trigger, someone knocked my gun out of my hands and tackled me. I soon realized it was the lady Richard was with and she had a knife. She was on top of me, trying her best to allow her knife to dig into my chest. But little did she know, I was in this exact same position with the world's known assassin and she was just a frail woman who had no idea how to even properly operate the knife she was currently holding.

I grabbed the knife and twisted her hands backward, hearing the cracks of her bone as her wrist bone shattered in my hands. She cried out in pain but I continued my torture until the knife was completely pointed in her direction. I plunged the knife into her chest and she sputtered as she fell beside me, blood pouring out of her wound and her wheezing for air.

I tried to look for my gun, but I couldn't find it. The only thing I found was Richard standing in front of me with a gun pointed at me and I smiled. I grabbed the knife out of my bra quickly and charged at him, making him fall on his ass in the meantime. I climbed on top of him and decided to say a few things before I ended him.

"Peekaboo bitch, I see you. Remember your little hide and seek game? Xavier and I hide, you find us and torture us?" I asked and he laughed in my face.

"You were never good at that game. I was always one step ahead of you, I just didn't want to get involved in the De Luca Mafia right now." He said and it felt like I stopped breathing for a bit.

"Remember when you whipped my back, watching me bleed? Remember when you gagged me and threw me on the bed and ripped my clothes off?" I spat at him in a disgusted matter, spit covering his face with my words. He grinned in excitement and anger. Fury was the only thing rushing through his vision right now.

"It felt amazing to finally avenge your mother." He said with an evil laugh and I punched him in the face with my free hand.

"Remember how you stabbed me in the stomach and raped me? What I'm about to do to you is ten times worse." I said.


"Stupid bitch, always hesitating." He cackled before he flipped us over and grabbed a knife out of his pocket, holding it up to my throat.

He snatched my wig off of my hair and laughed at the sight of me.

The blade dug in deeper as the seconds went by. I felt the sharp sting as the blade drug across my skin, I felt the blood trickle down my throat. I decided to use my upper back strength and push Richard off, sending his knife flying across the restaurant, by now I'm completely unfazed by the bullets ricocheting around me, Lorenzo, dodging each one. I jumped on top of him and smiled before I slashed his suit in the middle, them coming completely undone and falling by his sides. He looked terrified right now and it made me happy to know he felt what I felt in the moment he made me feel like trash.

I stabbed in his belly, lightly so that he wouldn't die immediately.

"Are you taking your blood thinners still, Richard? I remember your clots." I said with a sick and twisted smile as his blood splattered all over me.

"N-No. Please... I'll do anything just please let me be." He stuttered and I laughed as I sliced down his belly, making a deep, beautifully red cut.

"No thanks." I said with a smile before I sliced his stomach open with a huge knife I found on the ground, gutting him and watching his insides pool out by his sides. Blood gushed over both him and me, my heart thumping rapidly from the excitement and rush of adrenaline. I was showered in blood at this point. Both mine and his, and from the people getting their heads blown off around me.

I took one last look at Richard as he sputtered, hanging on to one last breath. I grabbed his hands and twisted them, breaking them instantly, before I plunged the knife in his jugular and he fell in a deep, permanent sleep. I was completely covered in blood, my once white and colorful tattooed skin was covered in red, my hair completely drenched.

"Come." Lorenzo said as he grabbed my arm and lifted me up, running us out of there and into our personal car.

The original driver was replaced by a top-secret chauffeur of the De Luca's.

"Where to?" He asked as he already put the car in drive, realizing the emergency of the situation.

"The plane." Lorenzo said and the driver nodded, speeding and weaving in and out of traffic before we reached the plane and boarded it.

When we became settled onto the plane I sighed a breath of relief that I didn't even know I was holding.

"You did good, young grasshoppa!" Lorenzo said with a smile as I wiped the blood off of my lips.

"What happened to taking him into the back and silently eliminating him like the original plan?" I said and he laughed deeply.

"Kind of can't stick to a plan when something goes wrong. There were multiple men who had their guns showcased on their tables, pointing at our heads. I don't know how Richard expected us, but he did. Good thing is, Richard is no longer a problem and I'm super fucking proud of you, Wilson." He said as he hugged me, both of our bodies buried in the blood of our enemies.

"What can I say... I learned from the best!" I said with a cheeky smile and he snorted.

"Bloody right you did... too soon?"


A/N: So Richard is finally dead... how do you guys feel about that and Riley's blood bath? Please do not forget to comment and to vote! <3

Primed for Sin (18+)Where stories live. Discover now