"We could but- watch out!"

Peter ducked just as she stabbed her knife through one of them, pulling it out once he fell limp.

"Okay, you can take care of yourself. Got it. I'll uh- go help Mr. Stark."

"Perfect," Astrid smiled, continuing to fight until she saw Tony and Peter hug, feeling herself get lost a bit- until she heard something behind her.

Pepper stood there with the alien about to attack her now on the ground, her helmet coming off as she gave her a look.

"Letting your boy distract you?"

"I knew there was a reason I told him to go away," Astrid giggled, quick to hug Pepper who gladly reciprocated the hug- all while the women made sure no one snuck up on them.

"I take it you survived the snap?"

"I did. And I got a whole marriage and daughter to make up for the five years."

"No way!" Astrid gasped, "Really? I'm- I'm so happy for you, Pepper."

"Thank you," she smiled, "And we love our little girl and the life we built but- it was never really complete, not without all of you. So hopefully after this fight..."

"We'll all make it through this," Astrid reassured her as she continued to fight while maintaining close to Pepper, "And I'll make sure to give your daughter the best ever, a little late, present when I first meet her."

"Just bring yourself. That'll be enough of a present for her."

"Oh please," she giggled, "She's a little girl and Tony Stark's daughter. That won't be enough."

"Maybe you're a little right but- shit."

Astrid looked over to her direction, groaning when she saw Peter running with the gauntlet.

"Really Peter?!" She yelled through the coms, "You just had to get your hands on the most dangerous object that Thanos wants?!"

"I'm... sorry? But a little help would be nice!"

"On it," Astrid began, going to fly to him when she was held back by Thanos' men.

"Astrid!" Pepper began, already going to go to her but she brushed her off.

"Go to Peter- I'll handle this."

Luckily Astrid managed to get to safety, maybe even using some bodies as a shield until the ship finally stopped shooting at them thanks to this new hero she's never seen before.

Nonetheless, she was happy.

"Oh I like you," Astrid smiled, quick to fly towards Peter who was now also being joined by all the other fellow female avengers.

As the women stuck together to fight, Astrid looked at Peter worriedly.

"You all good here?"

"Yeah- fine. Just taking a breather. You should go. They could probably use your help."

"Okay. Stay safe!"

She was quick to join Shuri's side who smiled brightly when she saw her, "Look at us. Humans with no superpowers and we're kicking ass!"

"I'd love to get a go at Thanos though. I don't appreciate being turnt to dust."

Okoye scoffed, "Imagine living the five years without you all."

"I think we'll all get our revenge tonight," Pepper smiled.

And Astrid really thought she would be and nothing could ruin the high she was currently feeling kicking ass alongside her friends and other badass superheroes.

But when what happened to them happened to Thanos' army- him included, no one was really celebrating the win after hearing of Tony's sacrifice.

Dr. Strange knew all along that Tony would be the one to bear the gauntlet, just like he knew the second Astrid heard of it, an idea came to her mind- a crazy one at that but one no one could talk her out of.

The second she saw Peter hovering over Tony who started to close his eyes, she knew she had to do something.

"Oh no you don't," Astrid mumbled, quick to run over to him, ripping off her necklace to reveal a needle and before anyone could question her, stabbing it into his neck.

"Astrid!" Pepper yelled, going to pull her away but Astrid just kept her eyes on him.

Peter now stood there in shock, "Did you just... did you..."

Astrid didn't say a thing as a once not breathing Tony now gasped for air, Pepper in shock but helping him calm down.

"How-how the hell-" Tony was surprised to say the least seeing his body heal but stopped short when he saw Astrid glaring at him.

"I told you that you had to take care of Peter."


"You are not going to leave him alone!"

"So what? You'll just leave him instead?!"

"What the hell is going on here?" Pepper now asked confused.

Peter felt defeated as he fell to the ground, "Sh-she gave him the one thing that could've stopped her disease from spreading. That... that could've saved her life."

"Not true," Astrid mumbled, "Shuri's working on making another one."

"That you'll use on Harry when you get the chance!"


"I've lived my life, kid! I was ready to die! You- you've barely started-"

"You've got a little girl," Astrid said teary eyed as she stared up at him, "I know what it's like to lose a father and I was not about to do that to her- to Peter- to the world if they lost you. I know you were ready to die, Tony. That suit is not your best work but you didn't make it to protect yourself, did you?"

Tony remained silent as she took a deep breath, brushing her hair back, "Well, there's no way in hell I'm letting you give up your life to save the world. You're going to die when you're old and balding and wrinkling, Tony Stark."

"Fine. I'll do that- but I'll make sure you're all better too."

"I'm sure you will," she smiled weakly, "Just like I'm sure I made the right decision keeping you alive."

written: October 04, 2019
posted: January 01, 2020

this was supposed to be posted yesterday... but I forgot... hopefully 2020 brings me a better update schedule 🙈

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