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We crouch behind an old rusted up car on the edge of the woods watching the heavily armed gates of Woodbury.

There was no one we could walk through there without being shot at.

I shift looking looking over at Rick.
We were all waiting on his word.

Samurai steps back and turns around walking off.

"Hey! Hey!" Rick whisper shouts at her as she disappears behind the corner.

"Damn it..." He cusses moving back into the treeline. "Alright. We need to downsize." He slips off the bag from his shoulders and tosses it beside him.

I pull off my bag and rifle laying them on the ground beside the others.

"Ain't no way we're gonna check in all them buildings, not with all them guards there." Daryl says loading his rifle and slinging it over his shoulder.

I hear a twig snap and we spin around aiming our guns.
Luckily it was only miss samurai.

She mouths something and gestures for us to follow as she walks away again.

"Alright, let's go."  Rick sighs lowering his weapon and following her.

We follow her around to another unguarded part of Woodbury where she pulls open a Hatch. "This will take us inside one of the buildings..."

I nod and we follow her in climbing through the short tunnel before reaching the other end and climbing out into a small building with supplies stacked on the shelves.

We check over the room and glance out the boarded windows out at the pretty quiet street.

"This is where you were held?" Rick asks looking over at Samurai.

"I was questioned." She corrects him.

"Any idea of where else they could be?" Rick looks around and Daryl walks to the front pulling open the sheet hanging over the door.

"I thought you said there was a curfew." Dayrl growls dropping the sheet and looking back at Rick and samurai.

"The street is packed during the day. Those are stragglers." She says.

I step up beside him and pull the sheet back looking out at the dim lighted streets with a great survivors walking among them.

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks. We gotta move." Rick says watching out the window.

"They could be in his apartment." She whispers and Daryl looks over walking towards her.

"Yeah? What if they ain't?"

"Then we're look somewhere else." She growls as he steps up in front of her.

"You said you could help us." Rick snaps.

"I'm doing what I can." 

"Then where in the hell are they?" Oscar asks.

"Hey." Rick nods his head motioning for us to follow him go to the back away from her.

"If this goes South, we're cutting her loose." Rick whispers looking over at her.

"You think she's leading us into a trap?" Oscar asks.

"Right now it's the blind leading the blind. Let's split up."  Daryl says followed by a knock on the door.

"Shit..." I mutter cocking the rifle and aiming it.
The lock clicks and someone pushes on the door.

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