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ight months had passed since that night in the woods and since we left the farm.
It was getting hard to fend for ourselves and with Lori so close to having the baby Rick was determined to find a safe haven for us all.
Me and Daryl had grown closer, he was teaching how to properly shot and I would even open myself up to him. It wouldn't be a surprise if he knew me better then Carol.

But as me and Daryl grew closer to each other's sides, Carol and I drew apart.  She didn't like the path I chose. Maybe she still thought of me as her sister's little girl. But that's just wasn't the case anymore, I had finally found my place, I might've still been a little bit of a scaredy cat but we couldn't all be big and bad.

And as much as I would love to say it was, not everything was okay. As for the moment we were held up in a small house we had to first clear of two walkers. But finding shelter wasn't the problem. Food became harder and harder to find. Not even the wild life was hanging around anymore.

Luckily Daryl shoot us an owl that was hiding out but one owl might not be enough to sacrifice us all.


I jump looking up at Glenn. "What..." I mutter shutting an empty cabinet door and looking around for more supplies.

"I was calling you. You zoned out on me." He says gently elbowing me.

"Sorry." I mumble looking over as carl walks in digging through the cabinets.
Glenn shakes his head patting me on the back before walking out.

I take one last glance at carl before walking out of the kitchen. "There ain't much supplies here.." I mutter sitting across from Maggie and Glenn.

Rick watches out the window as carl cones back flopping to the floor beside Beth and Lori.
I look over watching as he pulls out a can opener from his bag and begins opening what looked like a can of cat or dog food.

I wanted to say something but how could I? We were all starving and food is food.
Rick must've not felt the same way as he moved from the window and started to walk towards carl from across the room.

He stops in front of him picking up the can from the floor in front of Carl and reading over the label.
He steps back turning and pitching the can into the empty fireplace.
I jump as it clatters against the stone.

Not a word from anyone as they just stare at Rick or exchange looks between each other.

"Psst." T-dog stands up and I look over at the window where walkers slowly approach the house.

"Shit." I whisper standing up grabbing my pack as everyone jogs out the door following Daryl, as Rick comes last watching our backs as we left the house.

The amount of walkers together was always increasing, like they hunted in packs or something.

Glenn opens the back of the car and I throw my backpack in along with the group's belongings, such as blankets or clothes.

I jog around the side sliding my hatchet in my belt and swinging on the bike behind Daryl as the vehicles pulled out leaving the overgrown with weeds neighborhood behind.

So much for staying for dinner.
I was looking forward to the owl.


We stop again a few miles out on a back road.

Maggie and Hershel lay out the map and I glance over at the several red markings on it, Places we've been or got overrun by walkers.

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