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I lean back against a thick tree holding the hatchet in front of me as I listened to leaves rustling as someone passed through the woods.

Taking a deep breath I lunged out swinging for its head but to my surprise, it ducked.
And obviously walkers don't duck when you swing at them.

I step back taking another look before a light shines in my eyes blinding me. "Hey!" I growl shielding my eyes.

"Harper?" He lowers the light and I drop my hands sighing heavily.

"Daryl, Glenn? What the hell are you doing out here?" I ask hooking the hatchet back on my belt.

"We could ask you the same thing." Glenn says walking up and looking at a blood stain on my cheek. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head looking back over my shoulder. "Yeah, I caught a turkey but I had to abandon it." I sigh rubbing the back of my neck. "I ran into a group of geeks on my way back and had to lose and take a different turn."

"And then you got lost, huh?" Glenn says raising a brow.

"I was- I was slowly working my way back." I mumble looking down.

"You shouldn't be out here alone. and definitely not without a gun." Daryl say slinging his crossbow on his back.

I glare at him before turning to Glenn. "What are you out here for?"

"Randell got lose but we found him... As a geek." He mutters. "But then get this, he wasn't bitten!"

I raise a brow resting my hands on my hips. "You're joking right?

"His neck was snapped." Daryl answers checking our surroundings.

"Seriously? Who did that?" I ask lowering my voice and looking around as well.

"No idea but we should definitely get back." Glenn pats my back before walking ahead.
I follow behind with Daryl a few inches behind me.

"Carol said you were thinking about leaving."

I glance back at him shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah, I was considering it. What do you think." I grumble.

He walks past me knocking his shoulder with mine. "I don't." He growls walking ahead of Glenn.

I scoff folding my arms over my chest.
How long was this going to go on? He was the one that should've been apologizing. He was a total jerk to me.

Or maybe it was me who needed to apologize.
I could really remember that argument to clearly.


We step up on the porch and Glenn pulls open the screen door walking inside with me and Daryl following.

As we enter the living room everyone looks up and stands from their seats waiting to see Rick and Shane follow us in.

"Harper." Carol let's out a sigh of relief walking over and wrapping her arms around my neck.
I force a smile returning the hug.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asks as he takes a look around the living room.

"No." Lori shakes her head moving around the couch.

"We heard a shot." Daryl states.

"Maybe they found Randell." Lori says folding her arms over chest.

"We found him." Daryl answers and I pull away from Carol walking up beside him.

"Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asks standing in between Beth and Patricia.

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