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We waited in the alley for a few minutes before we heard yelling from down the road. Rick ran off to find Glenn and Daryl while I was left with T-dog.

"They're taking a oddly long time." T-dog muttered sighing and sitting down against a building wall.

"They're okay." I say pacing back and forth.

"So, which one do you have your eye on?" He asks.

I freeze glancing down at him. "What?" I was completely confused by the question.

"Rick Grimes or Daryl Dixon. You gotta like one of them. Or both?" He grins as my cheeks turn red.

"Neither!" I shout.

"Glenn?" He chuckles.

"No!" I glare at him turn away glancing down the road.

T-dog stayed quiet as we waited for Rick and others to return.
I was starting to get worried for them.
I knew they could handle themselves but what if a herd came at them or something.

I stopped looking. I could hear a faint trunk engine.
"T-dog, did you-" I pause looking down at him. He was out like a rock snoring with his head against the building.

I shook my head and pulled out my knife jogging out of the alley way.
I followed the noise down the street until I hit the fence where we came in at.
I looked through the fence but I couldn't really make anything out.
I could barely see the trunk we came in. It turned to move and I made out a person in the driver side.

"Wait!" I shouted climbing through the fence and running after it. "Hey!!"

I looked up in the mirror to identify the driver. To my surprise it was Merle. Merle Dixon was stealing our trunk.

"Merle!" I screamed chasing after the trunk.

I stumbled falling to my hands and knees my knife flying out of my hand. "Damn it." I muttered looking down at my cut up hands and ripped jeans.

I looked back up at the trunk in the distance. It was no use now, Merle and our trunk were gone.


"Admit it, you only came back to Atlanta for the hat." Glenn smirks.

"Don't tell anybody." Rick jokes holding the bag of guns over his shoulder.

"You've given away half our guns and ammo." Daryl says shaking his head at Rick

"Not nearly half." Rick stated looking up at him.

"For what? Bunch of old farts who are gonna die off momentarily anyhow? Seriously, how long you think they got?" Daryl grumbles.

"How long do any of us?" Rick asks raising a eyebrow.
Daryl doesn't answer, just shakes his head and walks ahead.
The three enter the alley to get T-dog and Harper.

"Harp!?" Daryl looks around readying his crossbow.

"T-dog, Harper!?" Rick calls out.

"Uh, guys." Glenn points at T-dog sleeping on the other side of the trash can.

"Ah, what the hell!?" Daryl growls stomping over and kicking T-dog. "Get up sleeping beauty!"

T-dog jumps scrambling back and looking around. "Did I pass out?" He asks rubbing his eyes with his palms.

"Where's Harper!?" Rick asks stepping over.

"Harper?" T-dog stares at him trying to recall what happened before he passed out.

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