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"I should've went with them"

"You being there wouldn't have made a difference."

I snap my head up looking over at Carol. "It would've"

Some was always going wrong these days and even though Daryl managed to find Carol, we were still at lose. Some jackass came through town and took Glenn and Maggie while they were out on a run for the baby.

But our new visitor knew how to get to this Woodbury and get them back.

"Harper, we're get them back. Rock will get them back." She says pushing herself up.

I nod my head looking put the cell. "Rick's calling a meeting." I sigh stepping out. "I need to be a part of this."

I walk over to the group and lean on the staircase listening in.

"How do you know we can trust her?" Oscar Huffs folding his arms over his chest.

Beth steps down looking over at him "this is Maggie and Glenn. Why are we even debating?"

"We ain't." Daryl shifts gripping his crossbow strap. "I'll go after him."

I step up beside him grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently. "Me too. We can't leave then out there much longer."

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. You two can't go alone." Rick says.

"I'll go."

"Me too."

I glance over at Beth and Axel neither of them were good shots and couldn't kill walkers to well.

"I'm in." Oscar mutters glancing to his friend.

Rick looks around nodding his head. "We're need a few people to stay with Carol and the baby." He gestures to Beth and Axel. "You guys stay. We're bring them back."

"I'll load up the car." Daryl pulls away and turns on his heel walking away with Oscar.

I step up grabbing Rick's arm and looking up at him. "You sure you're up for this?" I whisper.

He nods Patting my shoulder. "Go help Daryl and Oscar."

I give him one last concerning look before turning and jogging out of Cell block C.

I walk out towards Daryl and he puts the trunk tossing duffle in the back. "I got the flash bangs and I got the tear gas." He looks over as Oscar lays two rifles in. "You never know what you're gonna need."

"We got masks or are we gonna be blurry sighted like the rest of these punks?" I mumble grabbing shot gun and tossing it in the back.

"We're make do..." Oscar answers looking up as the others come out of the cell block.

"Anything to get them back." I mutter under my breath watching as Daryl pulls on his sleeveless wing jacket.
I hadn't seen him wear it in awhile, It's been so hot.

Carl steps around walking towards the car with two more bags.

"Hey." Daryl takes one shoving it into the back of car. "Hey, don't you worry about your old man. I'm gonna keep my eye on him."

Carl tosses the other bag in the back looking up at Daryl nodding his head.
Daryl pats him on the back and turns around walking back inside to grab his stuff.

I sigh looking down at the gun on my belt and running my thumb over the handle grip.

"I wish you'd stay."

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