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Rick pushes out of the tree line and lifts his rifle firing at the walkers.
Glenn shoots at two more before Daryl and T-dog run up.

Daryl takes a gun from the bag loading it and firing at walkers as they enter the camp.

"Baby!" Rick fires at two more walkers as he moves closer to his family. "Corl! Baby!"

Dale shots the last the walker and Carl breaks away from Lori running to Rick and Hugging him.

"Corl!" Rick hugs him tightly and pulls Lori into the hug when she makes her way to him.

I step out the woods and Daryl looks over his shoulder and turns around holding a pistol out to me.

"No. I'm fine with this." I say holding my knife up.

I look up as I hear Andrea's sobs. "Oh god." I mumble covering my mouth and looking around the camp at the dead.

"Amy. I don't know what to do, Amy. Oh, Amy. Oh no no." Andrea sobs.

"Damn shame." T-dog mutters watching her.

I glance to Rick, he was holding his crying boy with wife and friend at his side.

The whole camp was a mess.  Destroyed by the dead.


Andrea hasn't moved from her sister's body since the attack.  We all knew she was going to turn soon and something had to he done about it but no one wanted to tell her to end it before she came back as a walker.

I leaned my head against Carol's shoulder and watched as Lori approached Andrea.

"We thought Merle was coming here." I mutter glancing up at her.
She sighed looking down at Sophia, she slept with her head in Carol's lap.

"Even Merle wouldn't destroy our home like these bastards did." She said referring to the walkers.

I nod looking up at Daryl and T-dog carrying the dead walkers to the fire.
"We had a bit of trouble at Atlanta."

"I saw." She said looking down at my wrapped up leg and scrapped up hands.

"So.. Ed survived?" I ask.
She nods looking down and stroking her daughter's hair.

"Damn it. Wish he wouldn't have." I grumble.

"The man is still my husband and Sophia's father." She says looking up at me.
I mouth a sorry and look away.

Rick and Shane argue and soon Daryl joins them. I couldn't hear them but it seemed intense.

"I'll be back." I mumble standing up and walking towards them.
Daryl glances down at me for a split second before looking back up.
I stand beside him listening to the conversation.

"What do you suggest?" Rick growls at Daryl.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." Daryl says folding his arms over his chest.

"No. For God's sakes, let her be!" Lori snaps.
Rick looks at her and Shane bit doesn't speak.

"Whatever." Daryl spits at her feet before walking away. "Come on Jim. We got work."

Jim follows him and they began moving bodies again. The walkers to the fire and the camp members to the graves Jim dug.  Morales and Glenn help them.

Daryl and Morales lift a body and start moving it towards the fire.

"What are you doing!?" Glenn shouts stopping them.
I watch from a distance, I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

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