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"please, don't feed the birds." He chuckled lightly. "What's the matter, Darylina? That all you got in you? Throw away that purse and climb."

I liked it better when you was missing." Daryl growls grabbing a grabbing ahold of a thin tree and pulling himself up the hill.

"Come on, don't be like that. I'm on your side."  Merle laughs walking to the edge of the hill and looking down.

"Yeah? Since when?" Daryl argues with figment of his own imagination.

Hell, since the day you were born, baby brother. Somebody had to look after your worthless ass"
Merle says laying his hands on his hips.

"You never took care of me. You talk a big game but you was never there. Hell, you ain't here now. Guess some things never change." Daryl grumbles pulling himself farther up.

"Well, I'll tell you what-- I'm as real as your chupacabra." Merle laughs kicking dirt down at Daryl

"I know what I saw."Daryl mutters

"And I'm sure them m-shrooms you ate had nothing to do with it, right?" Merle snickers dropping his hands and stepping back.

"You'd best shut the hell up!" Daryl shouts.

"Or what? You're gonna come up here and shut my mouth for me?" Merle throws his arms in the air. "Well, come on and do it then, if you think you're man enough. Hey, kick off them damn high heels and climb, son!" He laughs.

Daryl flinches looking down at his bleeding side
He grabs ahold of another tree pulling himself.  He was almost there. It was right in front of him.

"You know what? If I were you I'd take a pause for the cause, brother. 'Cause I just don't think you're gonna make it to the top." Merle chuckled walking back and leaning down. "Come on. Come on, little brother. Grab your friend Rick's hand." He says holding his hand out.

Daryl grabs the top of the hill pulling himself up and scrambling to his feet.
He looked around for his brother painting heavily.

"Yeah, you'd better run!" Daryl tells kicking at the dirt.


"I need to find my friend. He's still out there."

"You can't go anywhere on that foot." The man pulls the bandage tight and stands up.  "I'm Noah by the way."

"Harper." I mutter pulling my knees up. "Why are you even out here In the woods?"

"Actually I was hunting." He chuckles grabbing his rifle and slinging it over his shoulder.

I frown narrowing my eyes at him. "With a rifle." I glance to it and raise a eyebrow. "And that's not no hunting rifle."

"Ya get what ya get." He shrugs turning his back to me.  "So which way is your friend?" He asks glancing over his shoulder.

"Uh, north." I push myself up pointing. "That way."

"And the farm?" He asks.

I gulp laying my hand on my knife. "I never mentioned the farm." I mutter.

"Didn't have too. I saw it from the dirt roads and you said you were riding a horse. " He chuckled placing his hands on his hips. "Just put the puzzle together."

"Uh huh... " I mumble watching the back of his head. 

"So," He spins around smiling. "Once you rest and we find your friend, I'll help you back to the farm." He says.

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