Chapter Twenty-One - Blair

Start from the beginning

A black streak became visible down my arms to represent the ink flowing through my veins and black ink stained my feet like a tattoo all the way to my knees but was only seen on my bare feet, I had the ram horns coming out of my head, that was the dark intoxicating colour of the raven black, as Aries' symbol was tattooed under my left eye that glowed the crimson red of Aries. 

"Truly magnificent!" Aries cheered, "I mean, I thought my Aries' form was something but yours is a whole new level Blair!" I just returned a look of harsh coldness and spite. He giggled, "I can't wait to see your capabilities, Blair." he spoke with a ear-to-ear grin. I simply nodded my head, "Let's get this over with." I simply spoke, nodding my head, my eyes couldn't help but avert to the other twelve students who watched in surprise. I felt confidence wash over me, I couldn't help but smirk, so this is how it felt to be in control? 

"Alright Blair," Aries began which caught my attention, "I'm so happy I've finally caught your attention." he spoke, I gave him a nod to notify I was listening, "You see the ink visible on your arms and on your feet," he began, he gestured to my bare feet t first before pointing to my two arms, I nodded my head, "I'm aware." I replied. 

He grinned. "Good, I want you to use your finger to grab the ink from either part of the selected body parts, and taste it." he spoke, a bewitching grin appeared onto his face. I found it difficult to show any facial features, the power engulfed me, but I felt disgusted, truly disgusted to the pit of my stomach, nobody else had to do something as ridiculing as this. 

I rolled my eyes, dragging my finger across my right arm, the ink smudging onto my fingertip, I shot an intense death glare towards Aries to which he chuckled at, I brought my fingertip to my lips, tasting the ink on my fingertip. 

It was sour, bitter, it burned down my throat and felt as if it was turning my insides out, it was wretched. I was agile to retract my finger from my mouth as a burning sensation ached on the bottom of my lip. Where my heart was located, it began to glow a violent red, "Woah, is Blair okay?" I heard Vivian ask worriedly. Aries dismissed her worriedness with a simple hand gesture, "She's fine, this is very normal, believe me, I know." Aries spoke, nodding his head dismissively. 

Soon, the glowing gradually got brighter and brighter, my heart beats got louder and louder to the fact I felt scared for my own sake, as it continued I noticed words in Greek surround my body, as if they was telling me a tale, and what was odd was that I understood every single word of it. I looked around me, reading every sentence I could. 

Aries spoke up, "As you can see, it's weaving this scenario into it's own tale right in front of you, giving you a glimpse into the scene in front of you." he spoke, "Use that energy, use it to fight." he spoke. I gave him a glance, my heart raced faster and faster, my eyes glowed brighter and brighter abnormally, I felt a crooked smirk grow onto my face. 

"Blair, are you okay?!" Levi called out, trying to travel his voice to contact me, but it wasn't working. Why wasn't it working? "Talk to us!" he called out again. 

"This power...." I found myself speaking, my fragile dummy-like composure mouthed every word slowly and tormenting "I can feel it through my veins, and it burns." I spoke, "I feel like my body is on power, I'm in agony." I was speaking my true feelings through my monotone body and tone, I felt useless to my own body, "I don't think I'm strong enough to hold this much power, so to get rid of it."

I extended my arms out to grab the Greek sentence that began with 'Sagittarius' as my fingers wrapped around the neon red glowing words, I felt electrical surges travel throughout my body, I felt more at pain than I previously was, but I didn't show it, I couldn't show it. Why couldn't I show it? I felt myself beginning to panic, but the more I panicked the more my body convulsed, my panic was inflicting the power itself, as if I was rejecting it. 

"Is Blair okay?" Scarlett questioned, concern lurking in her voice. "Does she look okay? She's shaking!" Mason exclaimed, gesturing his hand towards my shaking body. "We need to get her back!" Levi spoke out determinedly. "Not now!" Aries snapped, "She wanted to prove she's not a coward and she needs to prove she can use this power to her own ability, so sit down young children!" Aries scolded, marching his way up to the crowd, but still remaining close to the circles of chairs and as if he was protecting me. 

"She can learn later! For all we know she can be dying in there!" Levi called out. Aries smirked, "You seem to care rather much about her, my dear Leo." Aries spoke. "I have to care, she made me believe, so I'll bring her back, I'll be by her side no matter what!" he declared bravely. 

The electric surges faded away and I felt more in control in my body but not completely, I grabbed the sentence, marching towards a desk, throwing the upper half of my body onto the desk, animal-like. I aimed for Bailey, throwing the sentence around like a knife as if I was trying to stab, disapprovingly, I threw it into his direction, almost hitting him, it collided with the wall. 

Once it collided with the wall, it smashed into shattered pieces like glass, Bailey looked at me in surprise of offence, most likely questioning why I would do such a bizarre thing, "Don't take it to heart, I don't think it's Blair in control!" Levi called out. 

Bailey rolled his eyes, "I'm sick of you always taking Blair's side of things, she's the one doing the wrong, she dragged us into this and now she's turning against us!" he exclaimed, gesturing to me. I couldn't stop what I was doing, all I tried to do was reject the power to the best as I could. 

"It's not her who's turning against us, it's her power, she simply doesn't have control over it." Levi explained, "So we have to try and get through to her." he bit his lip harshly, "And I think I know how." 

I watched intently, awaiting for Levi's actions, I watched as he grabbed one of the shattered shards of the ruined sentence and walked towards my violently shaking body, trying it's best what it seemed like to escape. "I'm so sorry Blair." Levi spoke sympathetically, looking into my piercing crimson red eyes, "I hope you can forgive me." 

And with that, he brought the glass shard down onto my arm where I got the ink from, I let out a scream of agony, but it came out like an animalistic scream, my body convulsed frantically, "What have you done?!" Aries asked infuriated, trying to drag Levi away from me, but Levi remained where he was, "I'm getting Blair back!" he answered determinedly, "I care for her, we wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for her! So I need her back!" he spoke. 

He grabbed my other hand, yet I did nothing to retract the touch, my nerves where too busy screaming at the agony that shot up my arm, Levi's fingertips traced to mine, grabbing my thumb and middle finger, making them make a loud clicking sound. 

The red piercing glow in my eyes died down and so did the furious pumping in my heart, the ram horns retracted back into my skull and the ink on my arms and bare feet began to evaporate into the birch flooring, the Aries sign on my cheek erased away like it was drawn on in pencil and my red dress began to melt back into my normal outfit, yet all ripped and destroyed. 

I glanced at Levi, the shard from the sentences had faded away with the transformation along with the shattered one, my eyes grew blurry I couldn't think straight, "L-Levi..." I stuttered. He smiled in relief, "You're back!" he cheered excitedly, a grin on his face, it was the happiest I've ever seen him. 

I smiled back, "Y-Yeah...." 

My vision blurred even more, I felt queasy and dizzy, I couldn't concentrate properly, I stepped back from the desk, losing Levi's touch, he looked at me confused, "Blair? Blair are you alright?" he asked. 

I lost all feeling in my legs, the shaking in my knees made me drop to the floor, my body felt numb and my eyes closed, my brain immediately switching itself off. 

"Blair!" I heard Levi call out, along with the sound of the chair and table legs screeching against the birch flooring. 

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