We'll be Comfortable

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At the end of the song, everyone sighed dreamily. Suddenly, they came back to reality by a cuckoo clock. This particular clock had a squirrel with a hammer hitting an acorn, and instead of a cuckoo, a frog came out of the little door. The time was eleven o' clock at night.

"Is it that late?" Maggie asked.

"Oh, my goodness! It's past bedtime. Go right upstairs to bed," Snow White said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired from that party," Grace yawned.

"Me, too," Buck said.

Snow White brought the dwarfs to the stairs while the animals followed. Dopey was happily hopping in front of them. But suddenly, Doc grabbed him.

"Wait! Hold on there, men!" Doc said and threw Dopey back to the other dwarfs. "The, uh, Princess and the lovely ladies will sleep in our beds upstairs."

"Oh, we appreciate that, but what about you guys?" Snow White asked.

"Where will you sleep?" Grace asked.

"Oh, we, Buck, and Lucky Jack, of course, will be quite comfortable down here in... In..." Doc explained. He tried to say something until...

"In a pig's eye!" Grumpy finished.

"In a pig's eye... Sty. No, no! I mean... We'll be comfortable, won't we, men?" Doc asked his fellow dwarfs, much to Grumpy's displeasure.

"Oh, yes. Mighty comfortable," they all said.

"Now, don't you worry about us," Doc said.

Meanwhile, Dopey looked behind his back and saw a pillow on a couch. He slowly walked towards it so he could sleep on it.

"We'll be all right, ma'am," Happy said.

"Go right on up now, my dears," Doc said.

The two redneck animals looked at each other and turned to the others. "Don't we have a say in this?" Buck asked.

"Yes, boys?" Grace asked them.

Both Buck and Lucky Jack couldn't resist that. "That, uh... That it is a great idea for the girls to sleep in the beds upstairs," Buck said.

"Yeah. We'll be comfortable down here," Lucky Jack said.

"Oh, you guys are so sweet. Especially you, Buck and Jack," Grace said and gave them a kiss on the cheeks.

Buck and Lucky Jack froze and fell to the ground with hearts surrounding them. The dwarfs were a little envious.

"Well, if you insist," Snow White said.

"We really appreciate this. Thank you," Mrs. Calloway said.

The others thanked them, too.

The girls went upstairs. "Good night," they said.

"Good night, Princess and girls," the dwarfs, Buck, and Lucky Jack said.

At the top, Grace and Snow White took another look at them. "You're sure you'll be comfortable?" Grace asked.

And with that, the dwarfs, Buck, and Lucky Jack answered, "Oh, yes. Very comfortable."

"Well, pleasant dreams," Snow White said while she and the cows went into the bedroom.

"Pleasant dreams," the dwarfs, Buck, and Lucky Jack said in unison.

When they closed the door, the dwarfs, Buck, and Lucky Jack quickly ran towards the couch. Dopey saw them coming and held his pillow tight. They all jumped on Dopey and pulled very hard on the pillow. Each one of them wanted the pillow desperately.

"Let go!" Lucky Jack argued.

"I saw it first!" Grumpy argued.

No, I did!" Buck argued back.

Doc tried to stop them. "Now, men, don't get excited. Remember, share. It's share and share alike."

But it got even worse, they kept pulling. Dopey couldn't help but watch.

"Look out, it'll rip. It'll rip!" Doc warned.

But it was too late. They pulled so hard that the pillow ripped and released a lot of feathers in the room. Dopey somehow got a big feather. He placed it on the couch and pushed on it. It made a squeaky sound. Dopey laid his head on the feather and slept.

The cows were preparing themselves to go to bed. Moonlight was shining through the window.

"Boy, what a night," Maggie said.

"It sure was," Grace added.

"I didn't have this much fun since that last party we had back home the other day," Mrs. Calloway said.

"It was so nice of the dwarfs to let us sleep in their beds," Snow White said.

"They're so sweet," Grace said.

"I hope Buck and Lucky Jack will be all right downstairs," Maggie said.

"Don't worry, Maggie. I'm sure Doc and the boys will help them get comfortable," Mrs. Calloway said, and then she yawned. "Let's get to bed."

"Wait. I haven't said a prayer yet," Snow White said.

"Go ahead, girl," Maggie said.

Snow White knelt at one of the beds and put her hands together to say a prayer. She closed her eyes and spoke. "Bless the seven little men and my new cow, horse, and rabbit friends who have been so kind to me. And... And may my dreams come true. Amen." She bowed.

The cows smiled at that. "Oh, that was so sweet, dear," Mrs. Calloway said.

Snow White smiled back, but then she knelt again. "Oh, yes! And please make Grumpy like me."

"Did you hear what she said?" Grace asked.

"She has a point, he has been nothing but rude to us," Mrs. Calloway said.

"Luckily, we taught him a little lesson while we washed. You know, Buck does have a few things in common with him," Maggie said.

"Grumpy might be... Grumpy most of the time, but I'm sure somewhere behind that rough exterior hides a heart of pure gold," Grace said.

Back downstairs, Grumpy was going to sleep in the cauldron at the fireplace against his wishes.

"Hah! Women!" Grumpy said.

He tried to get very comfortable, but then he felt something poke his back. He reached for it and saw it was a spoon.

"A fine kettle of fish!" he complained. He threw the spoon away and spit inside the fireplace, causing the last bits of burning coal to hiss.

He tried to get comfortable again, but the many snores of the dwarfs made it difficult for him. Bashful slept in the drawer of a sideboard and rested his feet on another, Happy slept in a cupboard above Bashful. Each time he snored, the doors opened and closed. Doc slept on a huge sack in the sink. While he snored, a drop of water from the water pump came closer to his mouth. One last snore caused the drop of water to fall into his mouth and he gurgled. Sneezy was sleeping with Dopey, using his buttocks as a pillow. Suddenly, Dopey got a bad dream and whimpered like a dog, causing Sneezy to wake up. Sneezy gave one pock on Dopey's buttocks and he calmed down again. Then Sneezy grabbed Dopey's behind and shook it a little so he could lay his head better. Sneezy fell back to sleep again. Buck slept on the floor with the rug on his back. Whenever the horse snored, the rug lifted off of him and fell back on his back every few seconds. Lucky Jack slept next to Sleepy, who was sleeping on a pile of logs, not too far from Grumpy. The rabbit was shaking like a leaf in his sleep, for he was cold. When he couldn't take it anymore, he looked over to Sleepy and carefully crawled onto him, then he used his beard to cover himself. But of course, the dwarf didn't mind.

Suddenly, a fly flew towards Sleepy and landed on his nose. The dwarf touched his nose to get the fly away and slept further. But no sooner, the fly returned and landed on his nose again. It circled around and fell asleep. It snored quietly.

Outside, everything was quiet. Crickets chirped and frogs croaked. Everybody has a peaceful night... Except one cow, who had recently arrived in this world.

Home on the Range The Disney Chronicles: Snow White and the Seven DwarfsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang