Chorale for Snow White

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A few minutes later, the cows, dwarfs, horse, and rabbit laid Snow White on a bed with flowers and two candles. Everybody surrounded the bed and looked at her with deep sorrow. The dwarfs and Mrs. Calloway took their hats off in respect. Tears fell from their eyes and hearts were broken. Maggie might be the type to cry on the inside, but actually, she cried, too. It reminded her of the day when she lost her old home and owner, and now she lost a dear friend. Lucky Jack couldn't take it, either, his ears were all droopy and he wasn't doing any better at hiding emotions.

Grumpy and Buck tried to stay strong, but a few tears were shed from their eyes. And suddenly, Grumpy began to sob and hid his face with his hand. Those sobs were making it even more sad for everyone, especially Buck, who couldn't stay strong forever. He sobbed in his hooves. Doc tried to comfort Dopey while Mrs. Calloway tried to comfort Grace. They both placed an arm around the ones they comforted. The silly dwarf and the kind cow were just as heartbroken as Grumpy and Buck and everyone else. It's like you can feel Grace's pain for the loss of her new friend. Doc and Mrs. Calloway did their best, but even they weren't made of stone when they shed some tears.

The forest animals were outside in the rain, looking through the window with broken hearts. They bowed their heads in sorrow, not caring if the rain landed on their bodies.

It took almost the whole night. So many tears were shed that they were very tired, but it wasn't going to be easy. Then the morning came and when they woke up, they looked at the deceased Princess again with the same melancholy.

"I can't believe this happened. Snow White is gone forever," Grace said.

"No more singing," Sneezy said.

"No more gooseberry pies," Bashful said.

"No more stories," Lucky Jack said.

"No more fun," Maggie said.

Grace grabbed a handkerchief and blew her nose. She took a few steps towards the Princess and turned back to her friends.

Then Mrs. Calloway spoke. "Well, then... Let us take a moment to reflect on Snow White's life. Loving princess, devoted friend and human. I know we just met her yesterday, but that day, she proved she was a great friend. Snow White was like a mother to the dwarfs and to us all. Gentle, caring, and always there to help others."

"Snow White, wherever you are, I hope you're in a better place now," Grace said, and then she sobbed again while everyone else just bowed their heads in silence.

A few hours passed and every dwarf and animal was sitting in various places, talking to each other and comforting each other. Buck was pacing around the room. Grace was sniffling while Doc tried to comfort her. Grumpy was also walking until he saw something that gave him a lump in his throat. It was a gooseberry pie with his name on it. He grabbed it and looked at it.

"What is this?" he asked Grace with wide eyes.

"It's a gooseberry pie. For you. Me and Snow White were going to make gooseberry pies for everyone, we made one specially for you," Grace explained. "She wanted you to like her."

Grumpy looked at the pie again, his lip began to shiver. Tears slowly began to appear from his eyes. He slowly fell to his knees.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act to her or anyone like that, It's... It's just who I am. And now,... She's gone. I am to blame," Grumpy said and sobbed.

Bashful and Maggie slowly walked to him and hugged him. He stopped crying when he felt the hug, but he didn't protest or resist.

"It's not your fault, boy," Maggie said.

Buck stomped his hooves on the floor. "Yeah! It's that Witch's fault!"

Everybody looked at him, they could see the anger in the horse's eyes.

"She killed her out of jealousy, and she tried to kill us, too. We... We can't just leave her like this. There has to be a way to save her," Buck said.

"Buck..." Mrs. Calloway said, but got interrupted.

"That Queen has probably something in her castle. Some kind of magic or potion."

"Buck!" Mrs. Calloway said.

"No, Mrs. Calloway! Don't you dare tell me it can't be done. This is our friend and she needs our help," Buck said, desperate to find a way to bring Snow White back.

Grumpy stood up. "He's right. All you fools can stay here doin' nothin'. But I'm not afeard a goin', not even to that Witch's lair!"

Everybody was shocked when they heard that until Doc said something.

"You two'll never make it. Some say the castle's supposed to be guarded by magic, and crawling with monsters," he said.

"I'm with Doc. I don't want to take the risk to lose another friend, not even two," Mrs. Calloway said.

"Are you trying to talk us out of this?" Buck asked with a glare.

"I'm trying to speak for Snow White," Mrs. Calloway said.

Mrs. Calloway and Buck glared for a few seconds. Buck then glared at the ground, and suddenly, his glare turned into a face filled with sorrow and despair. The same happened to Grumpy.

"Don't get me wrong, I want to do something about this. But I'm afraid... There's not much we can do," Mrs. Calloway said.

Every animal and dwarf sobbed or shed tears during the moment. But in their sorrow, a thought came to Doc.

"There is 'one' thing we can do."

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