Where Are We?

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Maggie slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurry gray and white image speaking to her. She couldn't hear what the blur said at first.

"Maggie. Maggie. Wake up, Maggie," said the blur.

Her vision became a bit clearer and saw that it was Lucky Jack. She rubbed her head. "Ow. What happened?"

"Thank goodness you're okay. You... Are okay, right?" Lucky Jack asked.

"Uh. A little. I really hit my head hard. Now I'm going to have a bump on my head," Maggie said.

But Maggie and Lucky Jack weren't alone. Around them, Grace was waking up, too.

"Ugh. What happened?" Grace asked.

"I don't know what happened, but I feel like I've been rolling in a barrel of cider," Maggie said.

Maggie, Grace, and Lucky Jack looked really confused and puzzled when they looked at their surroundings. "Whe-where are we?" Maggie asked.

They were in some kind of forest. And that was not the only strange thing, the sun shone very brightly at the day.

"I don't know, Maggie. Wasn't it normally night?" Lucky Jack asked.

"It was. We probably fell asleep and that book you found with all that magical energy must have been a dream... Or maybe... Maybe we're not in Patch of Heaven. I hope I'm right about the dream part," Maggie said.

"I can bite you awake if you want that," Grace said with a smile.

Maggie looked in Grace's direction. "Thank you, Grace. That would be really helpful."

Grace went closer to Maggie and bit her front leg very hard. Maggie's eyes went wide by that.

"OW! Not so hard," Maggie said with a firm look.

"Sorry," Grace said sheepishly. "When I'm this excited, I can bite really hard. I should have warned you about that."

"Hold on a minute. I'm still here. This isn't a dream," Maggie said.

Grace and Lucky Jack also knew that they were not dreaming and didn't need to be bitten or something.

"Then what is this? And where exactly are we?" Lucky Jack asked.

"I don't know," Maggie said. And suddenly, her eyes went wide, for she had seen something. "But I know now that we're definitely not in Patch of Heaven."

The others looked in the same direction as Maggie, and their eyes went wide as well. They saw a huge castle towering high above a small town.

"Hold on," Grace said suddenly and looked around. "Where's Buck and Mrs. Calloway?" she said with a gasp and great concern.

In another unfamiliar location, Buck slowly opened his eyes and tried to stand on his legs. He looked at his surroundings.

"What... Is this?" he asked himself.

They were in some kind of huge hall with a few pillars spread everywhere. Then he saw a familiar cow lying on the ground.

"Mrs. Calloway? Mrs. Calloway." Buck went towards her and tried to wake her up. "Wake up, Mrs. Calloway. This is no time for a beauty sleep."

Mrs. Calloway's eyes opened slowly, then she looked at her friend. "Buck? Wha... What happened?" Then she looked around. "And where are we?"

"I asked myself the same question. All I remember was that book that sucked us in and brought us here."

"So... We're not in Patch of Heaven?" Mrs. Calloway asked.

"Without a doubt, Calloway," Buck said.

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