Witch Hunt

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Somewhere in the forest, a being completely dressed in black walked around, searching for her prey. She cackled to herself.

"The little men will be away, and she and those animals will be all alone with a harmless old peddler woman. Hahahah! A harmless old peddler woman!" the Witch said while she looked at the red apple and cackled very loud.

While she talked to herself, she didn't notice that two vultures were watching and listening from a tree. With the way she talked, they knew something was definitely going to happen. The vultures smiled at each other and followed her.

Back at the cottage, Grace and her new human friend were busy making pies. Gooseberry pies. First, they were making one for a very special dwarf. The forest animals were glad to help.

"Oh, Snow White. I'm sure he will love it. We should bake some for the others, the girls, Buck, and Lucky Jack, too," Grace said.

"That's a good idea. I hope that he would like me when I give this to him," Snow White said, and then she began to sing a familiar song. While she did that, she began to flatten the dough with a rolling pin. A bird grabbed some flour with its tail feathers and strewed it on the dough. When the dough was ready, she placed it on the pie tin. Then she grabbed a knife to cut off some of the dough on the edge of the pie tin. The bird grabbed the dough and flew away.

"Some day my prince will come
Some day we'll meet again
And away to his castle we'll go
To be happy forever I know"

Snow White placed the pie in front of her and the birds were decorating it with their talons and the bird with the leftover dough used it to create a name; Grumpy.

"Some day when spring is here
We'll find our love anew"

And then Grace began to sing with a high note.

"And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring"

The pie was ready to bake and the two sang the last part together.

"Some day when my/your dreams come true"

But then, a shadow loomed over them. The forest animals ran away and both Snow White and Grace began to gasp at what they saw. An old woman dressed in black looked at them in a scary way. The worst part was that and it was something they didn't know: The Witch finally found them. She chuckled evilly, which caused some discomfort to both of our heroines, especially Grace.

"All alone, my pets?" the old woman asked.

"Why, why, yes, we are. But..." Snow White said with a shaky voice.

The old woman looked inside. "The, the little men and other animals are not here?"

"No, they're not. It's just me and Snow White, but.." Grace said with a shaky voice as well.

"Mmm-hmm," the Witch said. She sniffed the air and asked with interest, "Making pies?"

"Yes, gooseberry pies," Snow White said with a smile.

"It's a surprise for when they come back," Grace added.

"It's apple pies that make the menfolks' mouths water," the old woman advised and grabbed the same red apple from her basket. "Pies made from apples like these." She chuckled.

The forest animals looked from behind the cottage in curiosity and fear.

"Well, m-maybe we'll do that some time," Grace said.

"Oh, they do look delicious," Snow White said.

"Yes! But wait 'till you taste one, dearies," the old hag chuckled in a sinister way.

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