Meet the Dwarfs

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The door of the bedroom slowly opened and creaked. The leader of the dwarfs looked inside while holding a lantern. The other dwarfs looked inside, too, and silently they walked towards the bed. But then the same moaning sound that scared Dopey, froze the dwarfs in place. They stared at the living sheets with fear. A second moaning sound made them even more careful. The cows, horse, and rabbit stood at the opening, watching very carefully.

"Ha. No wonder they thought it's a monster. Snowy almost looks like a ghost," Buck said.

"Shh," the animals said to make sure the dwarfs didn't hear them.

"Jiminy Crickets!" the sneezing dwarf whispered.

"Gosh!" the fifth whispered.

"Gee!" said the fat one.

"What a monster!" the sneezing dwarf whispered again.

"It covers three beds," said the fifth.

The dwarfs gathered together. "Let's kill it before it wakes up," said the leader.

"Which end do we kill?" the fat one asked loudly.

"Shh!" the leader said and then the other dwarfs.

The leader motioned them to walk towards the bed.

"Oh. We gotta stop them now," Mrs. Calloway said.

"Not yet, Calloway," Maggie said.

"But what if they..." Lucky Jack said, but couldn't finish it.

"Shh! Trust me," Maggie said.

The dwarfs kept walking silently towards the bed. They all took a position to attack at the right moment.

"I can't watch this," Mrs. Calloway said while covering her eyes with her hat.

The leader slowly grabbed the sheets and quickly threw them away. The dwarfs began to strike, but the moment they saw what was under the sheets they ceased their attack and lowered their weapons.

"Phew," Maggie said when she saw their reactions. "They didn't kill her."

The others sighed in relief. The dwarfs stared at the human girl and the yellow cow who were sleeping peacefully next to each other. It was almost like the dwarfs had never seen a girl before. The leader couldn't help but smile. "Well, eh, ah..."

"What is it?" asked the fat one in confusion.

"Seriously, they've never seen a girl before?" Buck asked.

"Maybe this is all new to them. Just like when we met Snow White," Mrs. Calloway said.

The leader answered the question of the fat dwarf. "Why, it... It's a girl!"

"At least that one's smart," Maggie said. "Kinda like you, Calloway," she said with a smirk.

"And where, exactly, are you trying to go with this?" Mrs. Calloway asked with a raised eye brow.

Maggie giggled a little. "Nothin'."

Dopey saw the yellow cow, who was sleeping with Snow White. He pointed at her.

"Is that the cow?" the leader asked.

Dopey nodded first and then shook his head.

"Well, it's a very strange kind of cow. I don't remember them being yellow," the leader said, a bit amazed and confused by the sight.

"Aw, it's so cute how they sleep like this together," the fat dwarf said.

The sneezing dwarf was leaning while watching the human girl and cow sleep with a smile. "She's mighty purdy, and that cow, too."

Home on the Range The Disney Chronicles: Snow White and the Seven DwarfsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora