A Story to be Told

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Our heroes were once again swirling through space, screaming for their lives.

Inside the barn, the book opened and a blinding light came out of it. Suddenly, Maggie, Buck, Lucky Jack, and the rest of the cows jumped out of it with the sack of jewels and landed on top of each other. They got up and spoke to each other in excitement and glee about their adventure.

"Wow. That was amazing. I've never experienced something like that before," Maggie said.

"Me, neither," Becky said.

"That was super duper fun!" Lucky Jack said.

"It was lovely... And sometimes scary. But mostly lovely," Grace said.

"Hah! Did you see how I used my karate skills to back off that Witch?" Buck said, bragging as always.

"Until she unleashed a big thunderbolt," Mrs. Calloway said.

Maggie was happy to be home again, but she couldn't help missing her new friends. So did the rest. She looked behind her and saw a certain page in the book.

"And they lived happily ever after," she read. It brought a smile to her face.

"Maggie? Will we see them again?" Grace asked.

Maggie looked at her friend and said, "Of course. We'll find a way."

And soon, everyone else smiled. Then Maggie came up with something.

"Say, we should tell this to the others. They won't believe what happened to us," she said while she grabbed the book.

"All right, let's go," Mrs. Calloway said.

Maggie didn't go too far when a familiar cow stopped her.

"Hey, Maggie!" Becky called.

"Yes, Becky?" Maggie asked.

"Just do me this one favor, okay? If you and your friends decide to go off on another adventure and I just happen to be in the neighborhood… Don't let me go by myself."

Maggie nodded understandingly. "I promise, Becky."

The cows, horse, and rabbit left the barn and made their way outside to the field of Patch of Heaven.

When they got outside, they saw the other farm animals waiting for them.

The farm animals, consisting of a goat, a chicken, a duck, two pig mates and their three sons, and a few baby chicks, sensed something behind them. They turned around and saw a familiar show cow.

Recognizing who that cow was, the animals smiled.

"Maggie. You're back!" Audrey said.

Four other animals appeared behind Maggie and stood beside her. The farm animals recognized them as two other familiar cows, a horse, and a peg-legged rabbit.

"And... And so are you guys," Ollie said.

They all came closer to Maggie and her friends and hugged them. Even the chicks hopped onto Mrs. Calloway's hat, making her smile.

Becky came out last and smiled, and then she joined the hug as well.

"We really missed you guys," Larry said.

"We sure did," Molly said.

"Where were y'all? We were worried about you," Jeb said.

"Oh, you won't believe what happened to us," Maggie said with a smile.

"What is it?" Ollie asked with a mix of surprise and worry.

"Well, it's a long story. You see..." Maggie said, but then she got interrupted.

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