The Yodel Party

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In the dark of the night, the only light in the forest came from the cottage. There, the forest animals came to the window because a certain series of sounds attracted them; music. The forest animals began to dance while they looked inside.

Inside, everybody was having the time of their lives. The cows, horse, rabbit, and dwarfs yodeled and danced. Doc was playing a double bass-like instrument that was shaped like a swan called a swanette, Bashful played a concertina, Sneezy played a lute that was shaped like a duck, and Grumpy played on an organ with pipes in the shape of various animals. Happy was first dancing with Dopey, then he went solo for a few seconds and then he danced together with Maggie in a similar way as with Dopey. Snow White was happily clapping her hands.


Doc began to yodel, and then Bashful. Sneezy did a very long and hilarious yodel, and Lucky Jack and Dopey couldn't help but stare at his Adam's Apple that was going up and down. Grumpy played a few notes on the organ, and Happy cleared his throat when he was about to sing.

I'd like to dance and tap my feet
But they won't keep in rhythm
You see, I washed them both today
And I can't do nothing with 'em

Ho hum, the tune is dumb
The words don't mean a thing
Isn't this a silly song
For anyone to sing?

Happy danced in a funny way and finished with a pose. Then Mrs. Calloway took the chance to sing a verse while Grumpy played a few notes on the organ. "Allow me. I'll show you how a lady does it."

"You go, Calloway!" Maggie cheered.

I live on this lovely farm
Called Little Patch of Heaven
But when the children are not good
I always lose my hat, get it?

Ho hum, the tune is dumb
The words don't mean a thing
Isn't this a silly song
For anyone to sing?

Mrs. Calloway then began to dance in a graceful way while the animals and dwarfs sang. Then Grumpy kept playing the organ while Dopey played in the percussion instruments. He knocked on a few owl heads. Then he launched a barrage of drumsticks on a drum, making them go into the air and went through his sleeves towards another drum. He used the last to give a soft slap on a cymbal. Meanwhile, Sneezy and Maggie were pushing Bashful towards Snow White. He was already shy, it made the dwarfs and the animals laugh.

"Come on, Bashful. You got it!" Maggie encouraged Bashful.

"I..." Bashful was about to sing, but then he giggled and turned a deep shade of red.

The animals and dwarfs were laughing with that. Grumpy was a bit annoyed by that and he restarted his notes on the organ to give Bashful a second try. Bashful danced a little, and then he was about to sing. But he blushed once more, hiding his face behind his beard.

"Oh, G-gosh!" he said.

The dwarfs and animals laughed louder. Grumpy became very impatient and played a shrill note on his organ. With that, Bashful finally began to sing.

I chased a polecat up a tree
Way out upon a limb
And when he got the best of me
I got the worst of him

Bashful began to snicker and hid his face behind his beard again while blushing. Meanwhile, Sleepy was playing a flute shaped like a fish.

Ho hum, the tune is dumb
The words don't mean a thing
Isn't this a silly song
For anyone to sing?

Dopey was playing on the cymbal and Snow White gave it one kick. Happy was walking merrily towards Snow White and began to yodel. And after that, Snow White vocalized in a high note. Sleepy began to yawn while a fly buzzed around his head and inside his mouth. When he saw it, he tried to slap it away. Then Doc asked Snow White to dance with him and she happily accepted it. Then she danced with Bashful, Sneezy, Buck, Lucky Jack, and back to Doc once more. Dopey was playing on the percussion instruments while his eyes rolled around and around. Suddenly, the same fly who annoyed Sleepy sat on Dopey's ear. When he felt the fly, he used the drumsticks to try and hit it, but hit the percussion instruments instead like a professional.

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