Love's First Kiss

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So beautiful, even in death, that the dwarfs, cows, horse, and rabbit could not find it in their hearts to bury Snow White. Together, they fashioned a coffin of glass and gold, and kept eternal vigil at her side. The cows, horse, and rabbit didn't care if they wanted to go home now. At that time, the only thing that mattered was their dear friend who sadly passed away.

The Prince, who searched far and wide with the help of his new bovine friend, heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin. And when they found her in a forest clearing, he sang one last familiar song to show and prove how much he loved her.

"One song
I have but one song
One song
Only for you"

The glass coffin, where Snow White laid in, was indeed in the middle of a forest clearing. The birds dropped pink petals from a tree above while the forest animals placed bouquets of flowers around the coffin.

"One heart
Tenderly beating
Ever entreating
Constant and true"

Then came the dwarfs, Buck, Lucky Jack, and the cows with their bouquets. The dwarfs and Mrs. Calloway once again took their hats off in respect. They placed their flowers at the coffin while Doc and Buck opened the coffin. Grumpy placed his bouquet on top of Snow White. They all took a step backwards and knelt with their heads looking down. All took a moment of silence while rays of sunlight shone on the sleeping Princess.

Prince Florian, his horse, and Becky were watching on top of a road with the same sadness. Florian took his hat off in respect and went towards the sleeping Princess while singing his heart out. Becky began to shed tears, even though she didn't meet or know Snow White, she still felt sadness in her heart. She followed the Prince.

"One love that has possessed me
One love thrilling me through
One song my heart keeps singing
Of one love only for you"

Florian approached our heroes, and they saw him immediately. Everybody rose from their knees and haunches.

"Florian," Mrs. Calloway said.

Florian said nothing because he had no words for what happened to the love of his life. Becky also didn't know what to say. Maggie noticed her.

"Becky. How did you...?" Maggie asked.

"It's a long story. But I can see it won't be a good time to tell it," Becky said.

The dwarfs noticed the new cow, but didn't say a word.

"At least, I'm glad to see you. But you actually arrived at a bad time," Maggie said with tears in her eyes while she hugged her friend.

"It's my fault. If I didn't touch that book, I wouldn't be here. And if I wasn't caught by the Queen, I could..." Becky said with tears in her eyes.

"No, no. It's not your fault. It's her fault," Maggie said, mentioning the Queen while she placed a hoof under Becky's chin.

"I found Becky. The Queen locked her up in a cell to prevent her from stopping her plans," Florian said.

Maggie went towards the Prince and hugged him. "Thank you," she whispered.

Becky came closer towards the coffin and looked at the Princess.

"She's indeed beautiful," Becky said.

"She was just as sweet as could be," Doc said to Becky.

"She sang us purty songs..." Sneezy said.

"And made us smile," Happy said.

"And at bedtime, she told wonderful stories..." Sleepy said.

"About falling in love, an' the Prince she'd met," Bashful said.

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