The Bedroom

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It was during the afternoon that the cows, horse, rabbit, forest animals, and human girl were done with cleaning the house. It looked much better. Why, even Mrs. Calloway was happy with the result. She even admired the beautiful carvings of animals on various wooden places.

"Ah, much better. Don't you think so, my friends?" she asked.

"It sure looks much cleaner than before," Maggie said.

"Those little squirts won't even know what happened," Buck said.

"I'm sure they'll be very happy about this when we tell them," Grace said.

Maggie looked sadly at the ground and Mrs. Calloway saw it. "Whatever is the matter, dear? Aren't you happy that whoever lives here will be happy about what we've done for them?"

"It's not that, Mrs. Calloway. It's about Snow White," Maggie answered.

Mrs. Calloway looked at her friend in confusion and then looked at the human girl with whom they became friends with. "What about her?"

"Don't you remember? The Queen is still after her, and she also wants to kill us, too," Maggie said.

"Oh, right," Mrs. Calloway said when she came back to reality.

"Well, if she ever find us, I'm ready for her," said Buck, who was ready to fight.

"You mean harm her? That's not nice," Grace said.

"She's right. After all, she's still Snow White's mother," Lucky Jack said.

"Stepmother," Buck corrected.

"A stepmother's love can be as deep and pure as any mother's. It is jealousy that made her wicked," Mrs. Calloway said.

"I still don't know, guys. Are you sure we're gonna be safe in here from that witch?" Buck asked while feeling uncomfortable.

"I sure hope so. I don't even wanna think about when she finds out we're here," Grace said.

Suddenly, Maggie rubbed Grace's head. "Don't you worry about that. That Queen Meanie doesn't know where we are. I'm sure she won't find us. Unless she has a mirror that knows and sees everything and asks if Snow White is still alive."

Suddenly, Mrs. Calloway remembered that she saw a mirror in the castle of the Queen and her eyes went wide. "Oh, no. She has a mirror like that."

"What?" Maggie asked.

"Buck and I saw it. It knows and sees everything," Mrs. Calloway said.

The cows, horse, and rabbit gasped in fear. "You mean, that running away was all in vain?" Maggie asked in shock.

"Wait a minute. Humbert gave us a chance to escape her. Meanwhile, he's searching for a different animal's heart and showing it to the Queen. So there could be a chance that she'll leave us alone when she sees the heart," Lucky Jack said.

Maggie thought for a minute. "Hmm... That could work. Let us all hope that she doesn't ask the Mirror to be sure."

The cows, horse, and rabbit cringed at the thought until their thinking was interrupted by Snow White, who was holding a candle in her hand. "Is everything all right?"

Maggie shook her head and gave Snow White a smile. "It's all right."

"Are you coming upstairs? I wanna see what's there," Snow White said.

"We'll be right there," Maggie said.

"Should we tell about her stepmother's mirror?" Buck asked.

"Maybe it's best if we don't. She has dealt with enough trouble. But we best protect her from the Queen if she finds us. Let us hope she won't come here," Mrs. Calloway said.

The others nodded and they arrived at the stairs. "Let's see what's upstairs," Snow White said. And with that, the cows, horse, rabbit, and forest animals followed her. The tortoise was having a little trouble with climbing up the stairs that he fell on his back. Buck saw it and went towards the tortoise.

"Need any help?" he asked.

The tortoise smiled and shook its head. He grabbed his tail and rolled backwards to stand on all four again. "Okay, if you need help, just call me," Buck said before he went upstairs. The tortoise bit on each part of the stair and dragged its body with it.

On top of the stairs was a door, Snow White opened the door and saw that they were in a bedroom. "Oh, what adorable little beds," she said.

Grace also couldn't help but smile. There were seven beds in the room. Mrs. Calloway was especially amazed about the beautiful wooden carvings of animals on the beds. Some of the forest animals began to sit on them.

"Those sure look cute," Maggie said.

"And look, they have their names carved on them," Snow White said.

They all looked at the names on the beds and began to read them.

"Doc," Snow White said.

"Happy?" Grace asked with a smile.

"Sneezy," Buck said.

"Dopey," Maggie said.

Snow White couldn't help but laugh. "What funny names for children."

"And to think our names were funny," Lucky Jack said.

The animals looked at him and read the rest of the names.

"Grumpy, Bashful, and Sleepy," Mrs. Calloway read.

"Maybe they're named after their personality," Grace said. "Doc is probably a doctor. Happy is probably fun and... Well, happy. That's an easy one. Sneezy probably sneezes a lot. Dopey..."

"I think we get the idea, Grace," Maggie said. "Like that Sleepy probably sleeps a lot."

Snow White began to yawn. "I'm a little sleepy myself."

Grace yawned, too, and jumped onto a bed. "Yeah, me, too. Maybe we better get some sleep and forget what happened before we got here."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Buck said and yawned.

"Yeah, I agree," Lucky Jack yawned, too.

The other animals yawned, too.

"It's been a long time since I had a good night sleep," Mrs. Calloway said.

Maggie knew they were right and she also was tired. Snow White placed the candle on a wooden board and laid herself on three of the beds, because she was too big for one. Grace cuddled close to Snow White, because many of the forest animals also slept in the beds. So Maggie decided to sleep next to Lucky Jack and Mrs. Calloway. And Buck, he slept on a bed with his legs spread everywhere. A bird flew towards the candle and used its tail feathers to extinguish the flame. Some of the birds placed a blanket on both Snow White and Grace. All of them, including the forest animals, were sleeping peacefully on their way to Dreamland.

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