the less she knows the better

Start from the beginning

Even though I didn't know the guy, it was still odd how much they were paying attention to me, rather than the reasoning why I am here in this room in the first place.

"Well I'm guessing to talk about the dead guy? I don't know why I'm being questioned for this."

"Everyone is being questioned for this Ms. O'Connell, so I'd suggest you cooperate more than you have been."

"Well you never asked me a damn thing about the dead guy. You've just been poking your ass in my file this past hour. You don't need to ask me anything about that, when it's already on file." I sighed.

I proceeded to speak. "Look, I don't have anything interesting to say, I didn't know the guy so what motive would I have? Me and him have never spoken a day in our lives besides a simple 'hello' or 'how are you'. I mostly keep to myself."

"But it would seem that he knows more about you, than you would think I'm sure." The detective interjected. He started opening up my file again for no reason at all.

"So what? Every person knows about me."

"Every person?"

"Yes." Except for one person. Maya. The last thing I want, is for her to know anything about what's in that file or about my capabilities. She's too innocent for this. I can see that.

"So if I went and asked every single person in that lobby if they knew you and your history, would you get the same answers from everyone?"


"Alright, we'll see about that." I chuckle in response.

"Why do you even care about this shit if people know me or not?"

"I would tone down on the language missy." I scoffed.

"Or what?" I was testing his luck, just as much as he was testing mine.

He came around to the other side of the table and crouched down to the level of me sitting in my chair.

"I have the power Ms. O'Connell, you're just a fucking little worthless psychopa-". Before he could finish the last word out of his mouth, I whipped my head forward and knocked my skull against his nose.

He had no right to say anything to me and he needed to understand who he was fucking with. It took him a moment of realization and shock, but he soon backed away and held his nose. I could see the blood dripping like a waterfall out of his nose.

Well he's quite the bleeder huh Billie?
Damn straight.

I looked up at him in satisfaction with myself as he bled in front of me, from what little but exceeding power I had in the moment.

"Get up you fucking cunt." He grabbed me by my shirt and yanked me up on my feet. If my hands weren't bound by these handcuffs, he would have absolutely no power.

I knew that for sure.

He had his face way too close to mine. He spit his nose blood, that had trickled into his mouth from his nose, in my face.

"Tell me why I shouldn't fuck your ass up here and now cunt." I puffed out a laugh.

"Have you seen my record? Well clearly you have, and I could sense your fear as you read it completely." I continued to talk.

"You can try, but you know who you'd be fighting fire with." I smirked towards him and he slowly released his grip from me.

I laughed knowing that I had seen an inch of fear, enough fear to know I got my way. I wouldn't be able to get him back now, but I would eventually.

It's my speciality.

He yanked me by my forearm out of the interrogation chair and walked me out of the room into the lobby. He shoved me onto an empty chair, but not without calling me a cunt once more.

"What was that about? What's with the blood on you two?" I hear someone next to me speaking towards me. I turned to look over and tell them to simply shut the fuck up, until I came face to face with Maya. I refrained from saying anything.

I had not realized amongst all of that shit, that she was right next to me.

I simply just said 'nothing'.

Of course I knew she wouldn't believe me, but the less she knows the better.


hey guys i had to write a little short message for you.  i know this chapter isn't much but just wait.  this is sort of a filler for the real good juicy content coming.  i love you guys and again i'm glad to be back.  thank you for your patience 💘

see you on the next one

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