The start of something

Start from the beginning

"Around 5:30."

"Ok. See you then." I send her as I walk out of the bathroom then place my phone in my pocket. I sit on the bed and put on my socks and boots. I grab my purse and my room key as I walk out of the hotel room. I scroll through the contacts in my phone until I found Opie and hit call. I walked down the hall as the phone rang and rang. As I reach the lobby it went to voicemail. "Damn it!" I say outloud as I flop onto one of the old couches.

"Can I help you?" An older lady asks from behind the wooden clerks desk.

"Um..yes. Do your have the number to Teller-Morrow garage?" I ask as I stand slinging my purse onto my shoulder as I walk over to the desk.

"We have a phone book. Maybe its in there?" She says as she digs under the counter for the phone book.

"Thanks." I say as she hands me the book. I page through it until I fine TMs number then dial it into my phone.

"Teller-Morrow, how can we help you?" A man with a high voice says into the phone.

"I'm looking for Opie?" I say/ask into the phone.

"May I ask who this is."

"My name is Jessica Taylors." I tell the man.

"He its busy at the moment. I'll tell him you called."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Goodbye." He says as he hangs up the phone.

"Thank you." I say closing the phone book. She nods and places it behind the counter. I put my phone back in my pocket and walk out the front door of the hotel. I walk across the parking lot to a little clothing store to kill time.


20 minutes later as I was looking through a a rack of jeans my phone rings. As I pull my phone out of my pocket to find Opie's name on my screen. "Hello." I answer.

"Is everything ok?" Opie asks. I could hear a slight panic in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Why did your call my phone and the club than?"

"I don't have a car and was needing a ride around town." I say still looking at jeans.

"Oh yeah, Gemma says something about getting your a car. I'll come get you and take your were you need to go until she gets it." I could hear a slight relief in his voice.

"Ok, I'll see you when your get here. I'm at the store across the street from the hotel."

"See your soon."

"Ok, bye." I say and hang up the phone. I shuffle through a few more pairs of jeans until I get bored. I walk out of the store and sit on the wooden bench. I cross my legs and lean back to relax enjoying the sun. I must have closed my eyes because the next thing I hear is a motorcycle pull up in front of me.

"You called for a taxi?" Opie sarcastically asks as I sit up and look at him. He had on a tight grey shirt under his vest, baggy dark jeans, and black leather boots. He has his helmet on and sunglasses cover his eyes. His hair flowed freely down his back.

"I wasn't expecting a motorcycle." I say standing in front of his bike.

"Well that's what you get when you call me." He says as he smiles at me. "Where are you going?" He asks as I take the extra helmet and put it on.

"To get something to eat." I say sitting on the back of the bike. He grabs my leg like he did the first time and pulls me close to him. I let my arm wrap around him on their own.

"I can take you on out first date than." He says as he pushes the bike backwards.

"Who says I want to go on a date with you?" I ask mockingly.

"You did when you called and asked me to come get you." He states as he takes off.


We pull up to a small diner a few minutes later. He parks the bike and turn it off. I take the helmet off and stand up after he puts the kick stand down. "A diner?" I ask as he stand up and puts his helmet on the handle bar.

"Its the only place that is serving breakfast. Plus they have great coffee." He says as we walk toward the door. When we reach the door he opens it for me and let's me walk in first.

"How many?" The skinny waitress in a red uniform ask.

"Just two."

"This way."  she says walking us to a small booth in the back of the restaurant. We sit across from each other. "My name is Jenny, I'll be your waitress. What can I get y'all to drink?"

"I'll take coffee." I respond.

"Me to." Opie says and the waitress nods and leaves. She returns a few minutes later with two cups of coffee.

"What can I get y'all to eat?"

"I'll take pancakes." I say.

"I'll take my normal." Opie says and the waitress leaves again.

"So why did you really bring me here?" I ask leaning against the table.

"I brought you here for a date." He says with a bright smile. "This was not my first idea of our first date but it will work."

"Why did you want to take me on a date?"

"You're beautiful and there is something about you that I can't put my finger on." He said that causes me to smile.

"You have had my attention ever since last night." I admit as blush creeps onto my face causing him to flash me his bright smile.


~ thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share!

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