Episode 44 - Too Much

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     After dialing the taxi service number several times, someone finally picked up, and Shinwoo was able to get himself and Zombie Sandeul a ride back to his apartment. As they waited by the side of the road, Shinwoo kept his eyes peeled for any of his friends who had vanished.
     After countless attempts to tell him to stop, Sandeul finally took the hint that his friend did not want to be chewed on. Instead, Sandeul found his own hand satisfying enough chew, as if it was a steak.

     Shinwoo swept the scenery with his eyes once more, hoping to spot Jinyoung, Baro, or Gongchan, before returning to Sandeul again. "Ya! Hajima!" Shinwoo shouted at the startled zombie who refused to take his hand out of his mouth. "You're going to—!" Shinwoo stopped mid-sentence to see that Sandeul had already bit through his own skin, his chin was smeared with dark red liquid.

     Shinwoo groaned in frustration. Babysitting a zombie proved to be harder than... Well, harder than babysitting any other kid he had in the past. Shinwoo swatted Sandeul's arm, making him release his bite, and dug deeply into his backpack, hoping to find something useful. There were no bandages in the bag, since who would've thought someone would've been injured at the concert? Shinwoo paused, thinking about the fact that over half of B1A4's members were now dangerous creatures, he should've really brought a first aid kit.

     "Aha!" Shinwoo found a pack of tissues and a roll of tape at the very bottom. He reached for Sandeul's face to wipe off the blood and drool, but had a very difficult time because Sandeul kept imitating Shinwoo's previous action and swatted his arm away repeatedly, dragging his casted leg with each step. "Can't you just stand still for one moment?"

     After managing to clean off Sandeul's face so he wouldn't look like what he really was: a zombie, now came the real struggle, bandaging up his wounded hand. Sandeul continuously slapped Shinwoo away with all his strength. The couple walking hand in hand across the street stared at the fight and picked up their pace to avoid the situation.

     "I'm trying to help you!" Shinwoo wiped the sweat off his forehead as he stopped to catch his breath. "Don't you want to get better?"

     "Shiiiii...Nnnn..." Sandeul grunted, as if he didn't comprehend anything Shinwoo said. He stared with a glazed look in his eyes and his jaw hanging, drool dripping down his shirt.

     Shinwoo could see that his friend's hand was still bleeding from its bite marks. He needed to fix up the small wound before the taxi arrived, which could be any minute now. Shinwoo let out a deep breath before speaking, even though he knew Sandeul wouldn't understand, "Sorry, buddy. You're not going to like this."

     Shinwoo ran and leapt onto Sandeul, tackling him onto the neighboring patch of grass. Pinning him down, Shinwoo grabbed hold of the injured hand and quickly bound it with tissues and tape. He successfully made a makeshift bandage and grinned with pride at what he accomplished, until he heard a long, painful moan.

     "Ah! What... What happened? Ooowww..." Sandeul blinked slowly as he came back to reality. "Why are you holding me to the ground?" He spotted his oddly, yet heavily bandaged hand. "What's this? I– I went into zombie mode again, didn't I?" he asked regretfully.

     Shinwoo quickly got off of Sandeul and helped him sit up since he was awfully dizzy. Shinwoo explained everything that just happened and what he missed at the concert.

     "I'm sorry, hyung!" Sandeul wailed, unable to keep back tears. "This was all my fault! I shouldn't have performed, I should've known I would've zombied-out!"

     "Ooljima," Shinwoo patted Sandeul's shoulder. "Didn't you hear what I just said? It was Jinyoung and Gongchan who couldn't snap out of it, too. Jinyoung chased Baro offstage— which I hope Baro doesn't return as a vampire as well. And Gongchan transformed into a werewolf, right in center stage. The only good thing was that everyone thought it was part of the act! The concert's manager thought we were so good that she'll recommend us to open other concerts!" Shinwoo beamed, but his smile melted away when he saw that Sandeul only cheered up enough to stop crying.

     "We just got lucky," Sandeul sniffed. "Something terrible could've happened. Do you really think we could perform again?"

     Right as Shinwoo opened his mouth to reply, his phone rang.

     "Well, who is it?" Sandeul asked, drying his wet eyes with his brightly colored shirt sleeve.

     Shinwoo shrugged, not recognizing the number, but answered anyway, "Yeobosaeyo?"

     "I'm sorry for what happened today," a familiar voice quivered on the other line. "It– It was fun performing with everyone. In fact, I never felt so alive..."

     "Jinyoung? It's okay—" Shinwoo began to say, but was interrupted.

     "The truth is..." Jinyoung's deep, shaky sigh could be heard, "I'm too dangerous. I almost bit Baro before I snapped out of my hunger. I'll visit from time to time when I'm safe to be around, but I need to leave. Goodbye... hyung."

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